Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Kosher Candidate

"You can't tolerate Pharaoh, so you'll vote for Nebuchadnezzar, and then go to God on your knees and ask for blessing and protection. God is not mocked! He doesn't support evil, whether "lesser" or any other type." -- Michael A. Hoffman

How strange, eh? Trump wins the election and all's quiet on the Western front. No Antifa or BLM thugs tearing up major cities; no suspicious activity at the polls or meaningful cases of voter fraud; no histrionic media warning about the impending 'rise of fascism.' Nothing! It's almost as if Trump was the deep state's candidate all along, something I have contended since October 7, 2023.

My MAGA friends assure me the vote for Trump was simply 'too big to rig' and that his victory is cause for uninhibited celebration. Our broken election system that garnered so much attention just four years ago has miraculously been restored and conservative Americans can once again place their faith in the democratic process. Hallelujah! 

Personally I have never understood the American zeal for voting in national elections. A quick trip to my local Wal-Mart or Dollar Tree is usually more than sufficient to reinforce my belief in the futility of the process. After all, any one of the corpulent specimens ambling around aimlessly in sweat pants and Nike slip-ons, or navigating the aisles in their indispensable four wheel scooters, has the ability to offset the vote of even the sharpest-minded political maven. It may sound extreme but the fact is most Americans simply aren't capable of making informed decisions; they lack the emotional and intellectual qualities which ought to be a prerequisite for electing any political representative. According to a recent poll conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, four out of five Americans now believe "at least slightly" that harmful words can be equated with violence. A FIRE poll press release discussed the findings: "Gen-Zers were also more likely to say that words are violence, with only 12% of 18-24-year-olds rejecting the idea entirely. But seniors aren’t far behind, with 16% of those older than 65 saying it doesn’t describe their thoughts at all. Gen X is the most speech-supportive age group, with 32% of those between the ages of 45 and 52 completely rejecting the idea that words can be violence."

Aside from the obvious issues involved with permitting a dumbed down, drugged up population to vote, other more subtle reasons exist for refusing to participate in our national charade. Chief among these is the unfortunate reality that both candidates in our two-party system are wholly dependent on wealthy Jewish donors for campaign financing and, therefore, pledge their allegiance not to the country they're elected to represent, but rather a criminally-insane foreign state whose interests, more often than not, diverge significantly from our own. Trump hardly differs from a Hillary Clinton or John McCain in this respect, despite 79% of American Jews voting for Kamala Harris in the recent election, according to a report in The Times of Israel.

Following October 7, 2023, a noticeable shift in the attitudes of many Establishment insiders occurred. Influential Jews in finance, politics and media, who forcefully opposed the MAGA movement in the past, began throwing their support behind the erstwhile 'new Hitler,' eventually raising hundreds of millions of dollars for his presidential campaign. Among his many newfound supporters is Silicon Valley's Jacob Helberg, a lifelong Democrat and former benefactor of Pete Buttigieg, who became a top financial contributor to Trump in the aftermath of October 7. Helberg is a senior advisor to Alex Karp -- the Jewish CEO of Palantir Technology -- and was instrumental in the passage of the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, legislation which forced the sale of social media platform Tik Tok due, in all actuality, to its "anti-Israel bias." Palantir (founded by Karp and JD Vance's political mentor Peter Thiel), has very close ties to the state of Israel and has provided the Israeli Defense Forces with surveillance systems used to spy on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as unsuspecting people around the world. Speaking to an audience of the Future Investment Initiative Institute in early 2024, Karp admitted that Palantir's technology was responsible for suppressing far-right political movements in Europe: "In all modesty, if they were not stopped, you would have a very different political reality in the West. And that's just a fact. . .the only reason someone's not goose-stepping between me and you is my product. Say thank you."

The wealthy individuals who have cozied up to Trump over the past 12 months are single-issue voters, and that issue is Israel. A May 2024 interview with Jacob Helberg published in Jewish Insider ('Top Silicon Valley donor cites anti-Israel left in his shift from Biden to Trump in 2024'), sheds light on the reason for his political change of heart: ". . .much of the way he views politics comes down to his relationship with Judaism and the way he was raised: Helberg grew up in Paris, where his maternal grandparents moved after leaving Tunisia; his American father's parents survived the Holocaust. . .'I was struck by how America never had an awkward relationship toward religion or Jews, and I always found that to be such a breath of fresh air.' But now, after Oct. 7, 'For the first time in my lifetime, I feel like a lot of the thin crust of civilization that separates today's world from the dark world of yesterday is going to unravel in some really scary ways. . .You're seeing that with these incredibly dark, antisemitic protests on university campuses, in the streets of Dearborn, Mich., and these slogans that are somehow gaining popular attraction."'

It's probably safe to assume that the millions of dollars Trump receives from people like Helberg and Thiel motivates his rhetoric about deporting "anti-Israel protestors" and bombing Iran more so than any deeply held philosemitic convictions. Many of his supporters, however, fail to make this connection and, as a result, adopt similar attitudes and opinions to those their hero has been paid so handsomely to express. Indeed, the major benefit of a Trump presidency from the perspective of these people is his unprecedented popularity, which automatically ensures countless supporters for the Zionist cause. Had Kamala Harris been installed as America's 47th president, I honestly believe a majority of Trump's base would've quickly grown tired of watching material and financial aid go to Israel, thus creating a fissure in the Zionist edifice and potentially leading to an overdue reckoning with the Jewish Question. As it stands, Trump will likely live up to his billing as history's most pro-Israel president and he'll almost certainly be granted a free pass by his supporters who seem to view him in the same starry-eyed way as a child views his favorite athlete or movie star.

Another single-issue voter close to Trump these days is billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman. A longtime donor to Democratic candidates and organizations such as Michael Bloomberg, Chuck Schumer, the Democratic National Committee and Planned Parenthood, Ackman announced his support for Trump in July after complaining about Joe Biden's "lack of support" for the Jewish state. (In early 2024, it was reported that Ackman was a member of a WhatsApp chat group with Israeli military leaders and U.S. business figures, whose stated aim is to "change the narrative," helping Israel "win the war" on U.S. public opinion.)

Ackman first appeared on my radar in March 2020, when he publicly called on President Trump to shut down the US economy for 30 days, warning that unless he did, hotel stocks were "going to zero" and America could "end as we know it." As soon as his overblown predictions succeeded in driving down the values of certain stocks, Ackman bought them up at greatly reduced rates, receiving widespread criticism for his unethical swindle. 

The figure of Bill Ackman stands in stark contrast to Trump's carefully contrived image as a free-speech absolutist.

In late 2023, Bill Ackman and Larry Summers embarked on a campaign to dislodge Harvard University's President Claudine Gay when it was decided that she was insufficiently supportive of Israel and failed to 'adequately condemn' the Oct. 7 attacks. Mrs. Gay, a black, progressive leftist, had been Harvard's president for hardly a year when plagiarism allegations were conjured up by Ackman's lackeys in the media in an attempt to oust her. Gay's crime? She allowed pro-Palestine protests to materialize on Harvard's campus. During this time, Ackman kept himself busy by doxxing Harvard's pro-Palestine student protesters and significantly hindering their chances of finding a job on Wall Street after graduation. When a Jewish group rented a fleet of digital billboard truck displaying the names, faces and personal information of the students under the headline 'Harvard's Leading Antisemites,' Ackman told the media the stunt could teach Gay a lesson. On January 2, 2024, after three months of relentless media torment, Claudine Gay resigned as president after testifying before Congress about Harvard's institutional response to antisemitism on the university's campus. Writing in an op-ed the following day, Gay referred to the ordeal as a "well-laid trap" in a "broader war" to remove her from her position, which, not insignificantly, was turned over to Jewish physician Alan Garber. 

Incidentally, Christopher Brunet, the journalist who broke the story of Claudine Gay's alleged plagiarism, has since stated that he had information of far worse plagiarism existing in the doctoral dissertation of Neri Oxman, Bill Ackman's Israeli wife, and sought to publish his findings but the story was killed by his employer Chris Rufo. Taking to X to set the record straight, Brunet posted: "I wanted to cover Neri Oxman's plagiarism during the Harvard saga last year, but @realchrisrufo shut it down. Why? Because he was in the middle of asking @BillAckman for funding." After being lauded as a hero by the media for helping drive Claudine Gay from her post at Harvard, Brunet was fired from the conservative media group Logos Fellowship by Chris Rufo after he accused Brunet of "attacking" two of his Manhattan Institute colleagues -- Leor Sapir and Ilya Shapiro -- and for pursuing a path of "anti-Zionism" and "conspiracism." (Chairman of the Manhattan Institute is Zionist billionaire and Trump mega-donor Paul Singer.) And so it goes for even the brightest up-and-coming stars in the conservative media milieu who dare step over the boundary lines of the neocon plantation overseen by the likes of Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager and Mark Levin. In an October 5, 2024 post on X, the now unshackled Brunet stated: "Bill Ackman never cared one iota about 'plagiarism' or 'academic fraud' btw. The whole Harvard saga was purely because Claudine Gay was not being deferential enough towards Israel. . .that's why she's gone, in case it wasn't clear."

A similar thing happened at the University of Pennsylvania where President Liz Magill ran afoul of the hypersensitive chosenites.

Just one month before Oct. 7, Magill found herself in hot water with the usual suspects after an event celebrating Palestinian literature was scheduled to take place on UPenn's campus. This rather unexceptional event was enough to throw UPenn's Jewish donors into a kanipshin. No less a figure than the World Jewish Congress President and suspected 9/11 conspirator Ronald Lauder publicly condemned the event and encouraged Magill to cancel, saying, "The conference has put a deep stain on Penn's reputation that will take a long time to repair. You are forcing me to reexamine my financial support absent satisfactory measures to address antisemitism at the university." Joining Lauder on the cultural battlefield was Marc Rowan, CEO of Apollo Global Management and chairman of the United Jewish Appeal Federation of New York, who went so far as to circulate an open letter in opposition to the event which garnered 4,000 signatures. (Both Lauder and Rowan have contributed large sums of money to Trump in the past.) To her credit, Magill remained defiant, publicly disavowing antisemitism while adding that, "As a university, we also fiercely support the free exchange of ideas as central to our educational mission."

Magill won the battle but soon lost the war. 

Following October 7, many wealthy Jewish donors withdrew their support for UPenn, and Liz Magill found herself in the crosshairs of a well-organized PR campaign to remove her as president. Ronald Lauder and his co-conspirators would be successful in their campaign when both Liz Magill and Chair of the Board of Trustees Scott Bok resigned on December 9, 2023 after additional threats were made to the Wharton Board of Advisors by Ross Stevens, CEO of Stone Ridge Asset Management. Liz Magill was replaced by J. Larry Jameson on December 12th, while Scott Bok's position was filled by Julie Platt, head of the Jewish Federations of North America.

These are the tactics used by the true ruling class to silence all dissent, whether of a 'right wing' or 'left wing' hue. 

Conservatives tend to believe the fight for the soul of our nation is being waged between 'progressive leftists' and 'America First.' In reality, 'Wokeism' is but a tool in the hands of powerful forces who wield it to destabilize Western Christian civilization. The second the 'woke' golem goes off the reservation and begins operating with a measure of autonomy, its creators shift their shape and pose as patriotic crusaders in the fight to reclaim our nation from the monster they have created. There is nothing patriotic about allowing a bunch of rich Jews to dictate the terms of our national discourse and to chase from public life anyone they deem a threat to their interests at that time.

Which brings me back to Trump. 

Anyone who believes 'The Donald' will be calling the shots in his upcoming administration has no idea how our political system works. Howard Lutnick, the billionaire New York Jew heading the Trump transition team, has already stated he's working closely with Jared Kushner on hiring personnel for the administration; and former 'Never Trumper' Ben Shapiro has indicated ultra-Zionists Mike Pompeo and David Friedman will be in charge of Trump's "Israel policy." Shapiro disclosed the information during an online debate with Jewish activists Sam Harris and Bari Weiss, telling them, "on his Israel policy, Mike Pompeo and David Friedman are the most likely people to be in the administration . . . I know precisely the people talking to him -- I'm not speculating about that." Later in the segment, Shapiro rightly stated that "Trump is the most pro-Israel president in American history," revealing where his, and so many of his co-religionists', true interests lie. 

Recently I was reading through some old political newsletters and magazines I've accumulated over the years. One item which caught my attention was an August 2012 edition of Michael Hoffman's Revisionist History newsletter titled, 'The Quadrennial Return of the Lesser of Two Evils Meme.' In it, Hoffman wrote the following about former Republican presidential candidate Willard 'Mitt' Romney: 

"Mr. Romney is an obvious opportunist who would say or do just about anything to get elected. The pro-life argument only holds water if the murder of unborn Iranian babies in their mother's womb counts for nothing with the Religious Right. Romney is the preferred candidate of the bankers and super-rich, and of war-Zionism. Within a year or less of being elected President it is very likely that he will bomb, or help the Israelis to bomb (the media weasel word is "strike") Iran back into the stone age, with the familiar, cynical, Talmudic doubletalk about "collateral damage" when the "surgical strikes" somehow drift beyond Iranian nuclear power facilities and into "command and control centers of the regime" (Iran's civilian city centers.) This is the documented Israeli tactic against Lebanon and Palestine, and US military policy is becoming increasingly indistinguishable from Israeli barbarity."

What was true of Mitt Romney in 2012 is equally true of Donald Trump in 2024, only the latter once again has the U.S. military at his disposal and is surrounded by Zionist fanatics who believe they're entitled to a return on their deposit.

Rachel Corrie and the Enduring Fight for Freedom

We're nearly 50 days into Trump's new 'Golden Age,' and yet, somehow, a large-scale war in the Middle East seems more likely...