Wednesday, December 4, 2019

National Stockholm Syndrome

"For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." (Acts 4:20)

Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines Stockholm Syndrome as: The psychological tendency of a hostage to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with his or her captor.

Put more simply, Stockholm Syndrome could be defined as learning to love your worst oppressor.  I can't help but feel like our nation is gripped with a mass form of this peculiar condition.

It is astonishing for me to witness how many people still believe that Israel is 'America's greatest ally' and an indispensable beacon of democracy in the Middle East.  The people who believe such fantasies (percipients of the mass media videodrome), can be likened to a computer model, whereby if critical data is omitted or skewed information is put in, a bunk, distorted answer will result.  In other words: bullshit in = bullshit out.

We are frequently reminded by the mainstream media that Israel is our greatest ally, but what proofs are we ever given?  Why does the same legacy media omit entirely from its reporting the many well-documented cases of Israeli perfidy committed against America, including terror attacks, nuclear smuggling, and political espionage?  How can people be expected to make an informed decision on such an important matter when countless volumes of information continue to be withheld?

I have long since grown tired of waiting for the mainstream media to do its job.  It is becoming increasingly obvious that the MSM exists mainly to serve as a protection racket for a specific gang of criminals, and consequently, is entirely unwilling to shine a light onto their misdeeds.  To help out in this sensitive area and do the job that the media is supposed to be doing, I will highlight but a few of the well-documented cases of Israeli treachery against America and you can judge for yourself if this is the kind of behavior to expect from a supposed 'great ally'.  With friends like Israel, who needs enemies?


''Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than the intelligence agents of all other countries on earth combined...They are the gravest threat to our national security.'' - Admiral Bobby Inman, Former Deputy Director of the CIA. 

Israeli spying on America is widespread and has been exposed time and time again throughout the years.  Predictably, the Jewish-owned media in America rarely reports on such treachery, and as a result, the average American is completely oblivious to this salient fact.  One of the rare instances that Israel's spying was brought to public attention was in a 2014 article in Newsweek, which ran the headline 'Israel Flagged as Top Spy Threat to U.S. in New Snowden/NSA Document.'  The article detailed the staggering level of Israeli spying on America and pointed out that this fact is well-known in American intelligence circles.  It also singled out Israel as a ''leading threat'' to America's financial institutions.

Another article published in Newsweek in 2014 titled, ‘Israel’s Aggressive Spying in the U.S. Mostly Hushed Up’ by journalist Jeff Stein, agreed: “American counter-intelligence officials told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees at the end of January that Israel’s current espionage activities in America are “unrivaled and unseemly,” going far beyond the activities of other close allies.”

Probably the most well-known case of Israeli espionage on America was the so-called Pollard Affair.

In the 1980's an American Jew and US Naval Intelligence officer named Jonathan Pollard was arrested and charged with being a spy for Israel.  Pollard held many high-level security clearances which he used to gain access to hundreds of thousands of top secret documents that he stole on behalf of the Israeli government.  Despite his admitted guilt, Israeli officials, U.S-Israeli activist groups and even some U.S politicians continually campaigned for his release.  One of his most ardent defenders was the disgraced lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, attorney for the convicted billionaire pedophile and trafficker of children, Jeffrey Epstein.  Writing about Pollard in his best-selling book Chutzpah, Dershowitz says:

"As an American, and as a Jew, I hereby express my outrage at Jonathan Pollard's sentence of life imprisonment for the crime to which he pleaded guilty.  Everyone seems frightened to speak up on behalf of a convicted spy. This has been especially true of the Jewish leadership in America. The Pollards are Jewish. . . The Pollards are also Zionists, who....seem to place their commitment to Israeli survival over the laws of their own country. . . American Jewish leaders, always sensitive to the canard of dual loyalty, are keeping a low profile in the Pollard matter. Many American Jews at the grass roots are outraged at what they perceive to be an overreaction to the Pollards' crimes and the unusually long sentence imposed on Jonathan Pollard.''

Despite being given a sentence of life imprisonment for violating the Espionage Act, Pollard was granted parole on November 20, 2015, and today he is treated as a hero in Israel where the Beit Yonatan apartment building is named after him.

The shadowy Israeli intelligence cadre that Pollard was working for at the time of his arrest was called Lekem, which was presided over by Israel's super-spy Rafi Eitan.
A decade after Pollard's espionage activity was exposed, Eitan told the newspaper Yediot Aharonot in June 1997: ”I failed in the Pollard affair, just as I failed in other intelligence operations beyond enemy lines.”  The fact that he referred to spying on America, allegedly Israel’s greatest ally, as being ‘beyond enemy lines’ gives some indication to the reality of America's standing with the apartheid Zionist state.  A study of Eitan's history confirms this uncomfortable truth.

While posing as a chemist in 1968, Rafi Eitan travelled to a Pennsylvania nuclear processing plant called the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC), and covertly diverted several hundred kilograms of highly-enriched weapons-grade uranium to Israel. The uranium was used for the proliferation of Israel’s secret and illegal nuclear arsenal, which remains undeclared to this day.  A declassified FBI document shows that Eitan was accompanied on his trip by Mossad agent Abraham Bendor.  The fiendish operation would become known as the Apollo Affair, named after the small city just north of Pittsburgh in which the heist took place.  When Eitan died, a New York Times obituary made mention of his treachery: "He was also suspected of being involved in the late-1960's disappearance of at least 100 pounds of highly enriched uranium from a nuclear fuel plant in the Pittsburgh area; many believed that the uranium was diverted to Israel to help its atomic bomb program."

Note: A zealous enemy of America, Rafi Eitan was nonetheless depicted as a most benevolent character in the 2018 Hollywood film Operation Finale, directed by Nick Kroll.  Kroll is the son of Jules Kroll, whose company Kroll Associates employed Eitan's nuclear smuggling partner Abraham Bendor, and was the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Fast forward to the 1980's and we find Eitan again involved in stealing nuclear materials from America and diverting them to Israel.  This time his partner-in-crime was the Hollywood billionaire executive, Arnon Milchan.

In his role as chief of Lekem, Eitan was overseeing an operation involving the smuggling of krytrons (high-powered gas-filled switches used for the development of nuclear triggers) from America to Israel.  Arnon Milchan was operating under the direct command of Eitan when he had over 800 krytrons, purchased from American company EG&G, shipped to his front company MILCO International Inc. and from there diverted to another company he owned in Israel called Heli-Trading Ltd which was connected to Israel's Ministry of Defense.  As usual, when the plot was exposed and the facts of the case were made well-known to US authorities, Milchan and Eitan remained outside the apparently limited reach of the law, and the former would go on to become a billionaire Hollywood mogul.  How's that for American justice?

Milchan was recruited into Lekem by Shimon Peres, the 'Father of Israel's Nuclear Program' and has been a career agent for the Mossad specializing as a ''foremost weapons procurer....everything from nuclear triggers to rocket fuel to guidance systems."  He told the Daily Mail in 2013 "You know what, I did it for my country and I'm proud of it."  When interviewed by Jewish journalist Ann Louise Bardach in 2000, Milchan stated: "I love Israel, and any way I can help Israel I will. I'll do it again and again. If you say I'm an arms dealer that's your problem. In Israel there is practically no business that doesn't have to do with defense."  Despite his rather unvarnished divulgence, if one were to claim that Milchan holds more loyalty to Israel than he does America, that person would be labelled anti-Semitic under today's ever-expanding definition of the term.  Interesting to note: An employee of Milchan's at MILCO International was future Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

As we have seen, Rafi Eitan was a spymaster par excellence; therefore, it is no surprise that he was a central figure in the PROMIS technology scandal involving Mossad agent and British MP Robert Maxwell (real name Jan Ludvik Hyman Binyamin Hoch).  PROMIS technology was sold to governments around the world by Maxwell and other Israeli agents.  The technology contained 'trojan horses' and 'back doors' which led straight back to Israel's intelligence agencies, giving them access to foreign government's most sensitive secrets.

Investigative reporter Gordon Thomas, author of the book called Gideon's Spies - Secret History of the Mossad (for which he interviewed numerous Israeli intelligence officers, including Eitan), said in a sworn affidavit that Maxwell sold $500 million of the illegal PROMIS software to the governments of  ''UK, Australia, South Korea, Canada, and the KGB in the Soviet Union.''  In 1992, a U.S. House Judiciary Committee investigation exposed the fact of Israel's spying through PROMIS technology stating: 'A foreign power - the state of Israel - had been engaged in active espionage against the United States by the illegal use of Enhanced PROMIS software.'

Maxwell would later be killed under seriously suspicious circumstances.  He was eulogized at his funeral by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, who said "He has done more for Israel than can today be said."  His daughter Ghislaine Maxwell was partners with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in his sexual blackmail ring involving some of the biggest names on the international stage.  What a small world it is.

Israel's spying on America continues to this day on an extraordinary scale.

In 2019, Washington released a report which stated that Israel had even wiretapped the White House and other highly secured areas in Washington D.C.  According to three US officials interviewed for the report, the spying devices, known as 'StingRays', were meant to spy on President Trump and his closest aides.  Trump is always bending over backwards for the Zionist state and this is how he is repaid.  In an all-too-predictable show of pathetic fealty, tough-guy Trump refused to reprove Israel for its duplicity.

A Fox News report which came out in December of 2001, described how Israeli telecommunications company, Comverse, provided large amounts of phone-tapping technology to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies and was retaining access to the collected data through their own computers.  Comverse was founded by Yechiam Yemini, Jacob Alexander and Boaz Misholi.  The report exposed how the Israeli government paid over half of the company's research and development costs and stated that US Intelligence officials were concerned about 'back doors' in the technology which were leading back to Israel.  Carl Cameron, the Fox News reporter who presented the piece, said that he had been told that to question whether Comverse was spying for Israel was tantamount to 'career suicide.'

Another company mentioned in Cameron's report (which was pulled right before it was scheduled to air) was Amdocs.  Amdocs is an Israeli company with 'unprecedented access' to U.S telephone transaction records.  According to investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn, Amdocs "records virtually every call placed through the 25 largest U.S. telephone companies."

In 1999, the NSA announced that records of government phone calls were winding up in the hands of Israeli intelligence agents.  The NSA expressed concern at Amdocs' sweeping access to such information, stating that it is likely to end up in the hands of Israeli spies.  What they failed to adequately disclose is that companies such as Comverse and Amdocs are the spies; they are fronts for Israeli intelligence which are used to acquire sensitive material that they otherwise wouldn't have access to.  From these key nodal points Israeli agents can access government records, military/intelligence databases and steal classified technology, all of which they have done and continue to do.  Does anybody still wonder why American politicians across the entire political spectrum go along with whatever Israel wants?

There are no limits to the decades-long espionage carried out by Israel against Western governments; indeed it is rampant at the highest levels.  Presidents and prime ministers are almost always surrounded by 'advisors' who, in many instances, hold dual Israeli/American citizenship.  A reasonable question to ask might be: How is this allowed in the 'democratic West'?  What could these people possibly be viewed as if not spies?

One such example is Richard Perle, who was chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board during the Bush II Administration.  He was eventually forced to resign from his position after being caught sending classified information to Israel, something he had been known to be doing since the 1970's.  Former congressman Paul Findley, in his book They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby, stated: "An FBI summary of a 1970 wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy...He came under fire in 1983 when newspapers reported he received substantial payments to represent the interests of an Israeli weapons company.  Perle denied conflict of interest, insisting that, although he received payment for these services after he had assumed his position in the Defense Department, he was between government jobs when he worked for the Israeli firm."

Another former member of Bush's administration fundamentally connected to Israeli espionage was Douglas Feith, a supervisor for the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans.  It was this office that was responsible for hiring Lawrence Franklin, a man who along with AIPAC members Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, was convicted for passing classified national defense information to an Israeli diplomat.  Franklin was working directly for Feith and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz as a spy whose cover was posing as a policy analyst.  He had previously served as an envoy at the U.S embassy in Israel.  When the jig was up and the espionage activity uncovered, Steve Rosen sued AIPAC for defamation on the grounds that he was being singled out for being a spy.  Rosen stated that AIPAC spying on America was so ubiquitous that if he was fired so too should everyone else at the lobbying group!  It should trouble the consciences of all true Americans to learn that Perle, Feith and Wolfowitz, three men with obviously strong connections to the shadowy world of Israeli espionage, all held high decision-making positions within the Bush administration at the time of 9/11. 


"Israel purposely and deliberately attacked the U.S.S. Liberty" - Dean Rusk, former U.S. Secretary of State

Most Americans are familiar with the slogans 'Remember the Cole' and 'Remember the Maine'.  For many years these phrases have served as powerful reminders for Americans, helping to keep alive the memory of those brave military men whose lives were lost in the course of serving their country.  But why is no attention ever brought to the 34 US servicemen who lost their lives on June 8, 1967, while serving aboard the U.S.S. Liberty?

A little over two years ago marked the 50th anniversary of the attack on U.S.S. Liberty and I was struck (but not surprised) by the lack of reporting in the mainstream press.  Are the lives of these particular unfortunates somehow less important and therefore not deserving of our commemoration?  Why has there been a decades-long media blackout on this specific event, and why have the stories recounted by the heroic survivors been quietly discarded down the memory hole?

The reason we don't hear much about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, whereas the resonating cries of Remember the Cole, or even still, Remember the Maine, reverberate in our collective conscience, is precisely because the attack was perpetrated on an American ship by Israel.

On June 8th, 1967, without any warning, Israeli jets attacked the clearly identified reconnaissance ship U.S.S Liberty with rockets and cannon fire while it sailed in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula.  By all accounts it was a crystal clear day and the ship was flying a large American flag, so there was no chance of its identity being mistaken.  Once the Israeli fighter jets had finished their unprovoked bombardment, America's 'greatest ally' dropped napalm bombs on deck and sent in torpedo boats to finish off the doomed vessel.  True to their contemptuous Talmudic nature towards gentile life and in complete violation of international law, the Israelis machine-gunned the life rafts as crewmen onboard Liberty attempted to escape the flagitious onslaught.

It is now known that Israel perpetrated the attack with the hopes of being able to sink the Liberty and blame it on Gamal Nasser's Egypt, thus facilitating full American engagement in Israel's conflict with the Arab state.  Unfortunately for them, the Liberty, although very badly damaged, managed to stay afloat and its courageous crew managed to get an antennae up and working while dodging bullets and fighting napalm fires on deck.  In so doing, they prevented Israel from being able to blame the attack on Egypt as intended.

Being caught red-handed failed to produce anything resembling an appropriate American response, however, and Israel merely chalked it up as a simple case of mistaken identity, made a few payoffs, and all was forgiven and forgotten to most who were not victims of this criminal assault.

The aftermath of the attack was plagued by government cover-up and media silence that continues to this day.  In the words of former Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer: ‘It was one of the classic American cover-ups….Why would our government put Israel’s interests ahead of our own?’

The heroism of the U.S servicemen who so valiantly withstood the barbaric assault has for the most part gone unmentioned in mainstream discourse over the past 52 years.

William McGonagle, Liberty’s commanding officer, won the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroism and yet, the Washington Post ran no story about it and President Johnson (an active participant in the cover-up who twice recalled fighter jets deployed to help the besieged ship) not only didn’t show up to present the award, but wouldn’t even allow the ceremony to take place at the White House.  Johnson even went so far as to call the Israelis beforehand to make sure they didn’t have a problem with the award being given, an award which didn’t even identify Israel as the attacker!  U.S. Naval Officer James Ennes Jr., a survivor of the attack, later wrote a book about it called Assault of the Liberty, in which he exposes in detail how the attack was obviously premeditated and designed to sink the ship while killing everyone on board.  Israel responded by saying that Ennes was anti-Semitic!

Although this unwarranted attack could easily have been seen as a provocation for war, not a single thing was done about it by the American government.  Not only was there no military response, but the exorbitant amounts of money allocated to Israel subsequently skyrocketed to outrageous levels, and this doesn’t even begin to include all of the high-tech military hardware sold to them for pennies on the dollar!  Still, all these years later, the attack remains virtually unknown to most Americans who go about their day-to-day lives naively believing Israel to be our gallant little ally in the Middle East..

Decades of Terror Against the West

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear; Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the American's know it." - Ariel Sharon, former Israeli prime minister, in a cabinet meeting broadcast by the BBC (Oct. 3, 2001)

Israeli treachery against America and the West goes all the way back to the 1940's, when the Zionist terror gang Irgun, led by future prime minister Menachem Begin, bombed the King David Hotel, Britain's administrative headquarters in Palestine, killing 91 people.

A few years later, in the 1950's and 1960's, Israel was desperate to involve America in their various wars against the Arab world - in particular Egypt.  As usual, when trying to get America to intervene in conflicts on its behalf, Israel did what it does best - false-flag terror attacks.  Former Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, did say that the agency boasted the slogan "Through Deception Thou Shalt Make War" after all.

In 1954 Israel began an operation of covert terror directed at American targets in Egypt.  The operation was called Operation Suzannah, but has become better known as the Lavon Affair.

Taking its name from Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon, the plan involved having Egyptian Jews bomb American and British installations in Egypt in order to blame Egyptian extremists for the attacks and provoke Western military action against the Arab country.  Mass casualties were planned to elicit maximum outrage from the Western world.  American-owned cinemas, libraries, post offices and schools in Alexandria and Cairo were the designated targets, which would have undoubtedly resulted in the deaths of many children.  Fortunately, only a few small bombs were detonated in the U.S. Information Agency in Alexandria and Cairo, and at a post office in Alexandria, before the plot was exposed.  Israel was caught red-handed once again.  Pinhas Lavon was forced to resign in disgrace but that is about where the punishment for this treachery ends.

Although it is widely suspected that Shimon Peres was guilty of managing the affair, he would later go on to be a two-time prime minister of Israel and serve as Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time of 9/11.  Being a terrorist can do wonders for a political career in Israel, as evidenced by the political ascensions of Begin, Sharon, Shamir and Peres (real names Beigun, Scheinermann, Yezernitsky and Perski).

Israel's second prime minister, Moshe Sharret, once wrote that Lavon and Peres both shared the same ideology, which in his words was to ''frighten the West into supporting Israel's aims'' and this explains the true motive for 9/11 (for Israel's involvement in 9/11, see my article 9/11 Connect the Dots).

Neither America nor Britain responded to this Zionist perfidy and today even many astute citizens are ignorant of this sordid affair.  Israel outwardly denied any involvement in the plot for five decades until 2005 when the surviving agents were officially honored by being awarded certificates of appreciation by Israeli President Moshe Katsav.

Above are only a few of the incidents which prove that all is not as the media makes it seem concerning the relationship between America and Israel.  Understanding these past events helps us detect the same guiding hand behind many contemporary incidents we see playing out before us in the Middle East, such as fake chemical weapons attacks being used to justify an increased American presence in Syria.  Ask yourself: Who benefits from us believing such a scenario?

Today's 'conservatives' would do well to study how Israel was founded by Eastern European Jewish Khazars who have no genetic connection to the land of Palestine, and whose only known means of politicking are and always have been infiltration, subversion and terror.  These Zionist thugs have slaughtered with impunity Palestinians and Britons, Muslims and Christians, and anybody else who has stood in their way since the day they arrived, just as the hordes of blood-thirsty Bolsheviks did in Russia three decades before.  Honorable men such as Britian's Minister of State Lord Moyne and UN Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte, the latter personally responsible for the release of 31,000 prisoners of German concentration camps, were made to experience first hand the ruthless brutality that so many innocents have suffered since the arrival of the Khazar interlopers in the Holy Land.  Whatever form these amorphous shape-shifters take - whether Zionist or Communist - rest assured they are not working towards wider humanity's best interests.

Because of documents like PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses (2000); Clean Break: A Strategy for the Middle East (1996); and the Yinon Plan (1982), plus books written by Benjamin Netanyahu (real name Mileikowsky) and other leading Zionists, we know that the War on Terror is an Israeli war stratagem which emphasizes full-scale US military engagement in the Middle East.  This open-ended and illegal agenda has already cost Americans trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.  It is about time that we see the picture as it really is and stop being misled by the various abstractions which are used to cloak the truth in a habiliment of ambiguity.

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at or by visiting*

Friday, November 8, 2019

One Nation Under Siege

America is a nation under siege.  The foundational cornerstones of our civilization are under incessant attack by an oppressor who operates from 'inside the castle walls'.  There are no taboos 'they' don't seek to normalize and no social mores 'they' don't seek to overturn.

Working towards this end, our traditional enemies use the electronic media to relentlessly attack our traditions and mock our heritage and ways of life on an extraordinary scale.  Observe the way that white Christian families are depicted in Hollywood movies, television shows and commercials, for instance.

For this reason I very rarely watch T.V.  It has become unbearable.  In fact, my acquiescence to the boob-tube pretty much begins and ends with taking in the occasional sporting event a few times a year.  Last month I subjected myself to the MLB playoffs/World Series; and consequently, many of the noxious 'ads' that went along with it.

Now, for the most part, these so-called 'advertisements' are not actually advertising the products that they claim to be selling.  Very little time is spent showing the product and explaining what it does compared with the time spent promoting a toxic cultural agenda.  For example: In the past month alone I saw an ad for a bank which featured two overweight homosexual males who had apparently adopted a child; an ad for a cell phone which featured a bearded man in a dress standing on the back of a pickup truck with the theme of 'just be yourself', and a profusion of white women 'romantically' involved with black men.  I don't know about you, but the sight of a bearded drag queen certainly doesn't entice me to buy a telephone.  Wtf is going on here?!?  I have a simple rule of thumb: anytime you see something that assaults your sense of human dignity, do some research into who is behind it.  You may be shocked by the consistency of what you find.

Readers of my other blogs will be unsurprised by the revelation that the marketing industry in this country is entirely in the hands of a foreign race.  That's right, the very same race that outright owns the banks and mass media despite the notable handicap of only comprising 2% of the national population!  You know who I am talking about, don't make me say it....small tribe, always crying persecution.... wields enormous political power....wear funny little hats....starts with a 'J' and rhymes with shoes....

Just four companies have completely monopolized the marketing/advertisement industry and are responsible for almost all of the garbage we are now seeing so frequently in this country and around the entire Western world.  Those four companies are: The Omnicom Group (founded by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Bernbach), Interpublic (CEO and Chairman Michael Isor Roth), WPP (founded and run by Martin Sorrell) and Publicis (CEO for the last three decades, Maurice Levy, is the son of a rabbi.  Sounds like a swear word doesn't it?)  Another large company responsible for the production of numerous anti-White commercials is HLG Studios of Los Angeles (founded by Yuri Baranofsky).

The monopoly that has been secured over this influential perception-shaping medium has allowed the infiltrators to foist their anti-Western ersatz reality upon us with stunning success; an inverted reality in which left is right and up is down.

Quoting from an excellent article on titled 'The War Against Whites in Advertising': The New York Times states that these companies are so powerful “they can indirectly set network television schedules and starve magazines to death or help them to flourish,” by deciding how and when to spend advertising dollars. Each company owns dozens if not hundreds of smaller agencies; Omnicom has bought over 150 firms alone.

For a brief moment, I thought I was on to something. There seems to be a disproportionate number of Jews and those with Jewish sympathies involved in advertising. From small start-up firms to multi-billion-dollar corporations, all of which are promoting hostile anti-white canards, while praising “diversity” and “inclusion.” I’m sure it’s just another coincidence.

What good is a democracy when this level of intellectual rape takes place on such an enormous scale?  Now would be a good time for Americans to snap out of their stupefied slumber and realize who is overwhelmingly in control of shaping their thoughts and formulating their opinions.  It is a rather pitiable sight to behold the unsuspecting American wave his flag and proclaim that 'We are Free' even as his very mind has become the sole property of someone else; a mere petri dish for an alien race. Slavery of this magnitude is far more oppressive than anything that can be done with shackles and chains.  I wonder if millions of Americans would still be so vocal in their support of things like abortion, mass immigration, the increasingly-bizarre LGBT agenda, race-mixing and the War on Terror, if they knew that their perceptions on such things have been surreptitiously molded over decades by a small group of scheming Jews who hate America almost as much as they hate Christ?

In the introduction to his 1928 book titled Propaganda, Edward Bernays, the 'founding father of public relations' and Jewish nephew of Sigmund Freud, wrote: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” 

The 'invisible government' of which Bernays so gleefully wrote all those years ago is comprised of the same group who are today deceiving us into fighting their wars in the Middle East and rendering us destitute through their usurious banking empire.  They have perfected their subversive methods over a long period of time and their dastardly deeds can be traced back into antiquity.  La Civilita Cattolica, one of the oldest Italian Catholic periodicals, published a series of articles in 1890 concerning the history between Catholics and Jews.  In one article the author writes: "Journalism and public education are like the two wings that carry the Israelite dragon so that it might corrupt and plunder all over Europe...The Jews buy the press, over half of the newspapers are in their power, and they use it on behalf of their ideas.  Jews are responsible for the moral decline in France because, "entirely Jewish is the pornographic and irreligious press which sullies the country and has no equal in civilized place...The Jews sully France with the most obscene, most scandalous, most nauseous journalism imaginable and the Freemasons eagerly disseminate it."

The wholly-disproportionate control that has been accrued by this one group of people is simply astounding and it is apparent that they are using it not to elevate us spiritually through soaring works of great and inspiring beauty, but to lead us ever farther down the twisted path to perdition.  We need to come to grips with the domineering influence exerted on all of our lives by this single group and stop pretending like it doesn't exist.  Nothing will get better unless we do - not least of all for our children whose young minds are constantly absorbing the sickening creations of these warped individuals.  It does no good simply dismissing this information out-of-hand as a baseless 'conspiracy theory' as so many unobservant people find comfort in doing.  The easily verifiable facts are that Jewish supremacists own the entirety of the media/marketing agencies and are using them to reshape our lives in accordance with their distorted world view.  These are not just my words....

 In a 1998 documentary entitled Hollywood: An Empire of their Own, Jewish author Neal Gabler, boasts candidly about how Jewish Hollywood filmmakers set about obliterating the values of traditional Americans: ''They created their own America, an America which is not the real America...But ultimately this shadow America becomes so popular and so widely disseminated that its images and its values come to devour the real America.  And so the grand irony of all of Hollywood is that Americans come to define themselves by the shadow of America that was created by the Eastern European Jewish immigrants who weren't permitted in the precincts of the real America."

Do you ever wonder at the inexplicable transformation the American male has undergone?  Once an industrious, tough-as-nails creature who provided for the family has largely been turned into a grotesque, drunken playboy or a lisping, limp-wristed sissy!  How did that happen?!?  Gabler is telling you how!

Why is it that we find a preponderance of Jews active at all levels of every organization dedicated towards the overthrow of traditional values?  What are the chances that this could happen accidentally time after time throughout the ages from a people making up just 1% of the world population?  Not a chance.  Each and every day we are forced to endure countless shots and slanders aimed at our Christian traditions, our European heritage and American way of life, all emanating from the same quarters.  Whether it comes in the form of 'comedian' Larry David urinating on a picture of Jesus Christ on his show Curb Your Enthusiasm, Rachel Bloom singing about anal sex on Bill Nye the 'Science' Guy's show, or Roseanne Barr obliterating the national anthem before a baseball game and spitting on the ground afterwards, behind almost each and every assault on our human dignity will be found the Jew.  Television producer Tom Werner was the man responsible for setting up the whole Roseanne Barr fiasco in his role as Padres team co-owner.  Werner and Barr are both Jewish.  How would the American people react if it were two Iranians who contrived to turn our national anthem into a scene which wouldn't be out of place in a Mel Brooks (aka Melvin Kaminsky) movie?  They are literally laughing in our faces and we are foolishly laughing along with them and paying them our hard-earned money for the privilege!  Wake up Americans!  This is who really controls our country; they are not Christians, they are not Americans, they are scoundrels.

The great American industrialist Henry Ford, writing in 1920: "It is rather surprising, isn't it, that whichever way you turn to trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you come upon a group of Jews?  In baseball corruption - a group of Jews.  In exploitative finance - a group of Jews.  In theatrical degeneracy - a group of Jews.  In liquor propaganda - a group of Jews.  In control of national war policies - a group of Jews.  Absolutely dominating the wireless communications of the world - a group of Jews.  In the menace of the Movies - a group of Jews.  In control of the Press through business and financial pressure - a group of Jews.  War profiteers, 80 per cent of them - Jews.  Organizers of active opposition of Christian laws and customs - Jews.  And now, in this miasma of so-called popular music, which combines weak-mindedness with every suggestion of lewdness - again Jews." 

One hundred years later and it's only gotten much worse.

*Visit my website for more writings and media appearances.*

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

White Supremacy? Er...Not Exactly

''The goal of abolishing the white race is, on its face, so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists...Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct know as 'the white race' is destroyed.'' - Jewish Professor Noel Ignatiev: Harvard Magazine (September-October 2002)

''The White race is the cancer of history. It is the white race and it alone - its ideologies and inventions - which eradicates autonomous civilization wherever it spreads.'' - Susan Sontag, Jewish activist, Partisan Review (1967)

There is a lot of talk at the moment about the so-called scourge of 'White Supremacy' allegedly running roughshod over America.  Newspaper headlines inform us that White Supremacy is ubiquitous in our society and is responsible for random spates of violence.  Meanwhile, the extraordinary crime rates of our predominantly Black/Latino cities like Chicago and L.A. are largely glossed over as best they can be and therefore not accompanied with anywhere near the same hysteria.

If we were to garner our understanding of world events from the nightly news alone, we could be forgiven for thinking that the Nazis are currently goose-stepping their way through the nation's capital on their way to establishing one nation under the KKK.  When peering out across the landscape of our modern society, however, the vigilant spectator searches in vain for any traces of this alleged 'White Supremacist' boogeyman.

The truth is White Americans have been divided and sub-divided upon so many different fault lines and inculcated with such an extreme sense of 'White guilt' that the idea of a White Supremacist juggernaut sweeping the nation is downright laughable.  The second a group of three or four White Harley Davidson riders get together in a trailer park somewhere and voice their contempt for the federal government in hushed tones over a case of Budweiser, the FBI is sure to send infiltrators into their 'group' and get them caught up in some gun/drug running scheme that'll get them sent away for a long time.  It happens routinely.

Sorry folks, a well-organized White Supremacist menace simply does not exist in America.  Yet the movers and shakers who own the media have much to gain by raising this hallucinatory specter.

For starters, manufactured 'White Supremacy' detracts attention from the very tangible tyranny of Jewish Supremacy that we are all forced to endure.

*Examples of this supremacist attitude are to be found in numerous quotes by the former chief Sephardic Rabbi in Israel, Ovadia Yosef. Among them: "Why are Gentiles needed?  They will work, they will plow, they will reap.  We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created''   "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the people of Israel.* 

It is the Jewish leaders, not the Aryan Nation, who have risen to a dominant role in American and European society, and it is they who are using that role to erase any national identity and social cohesion among our fellow White Christian inhabitants.

One of the tools they use is massive unfettered immigration from the 'Third World.'

Consider this quote by Barbara Lerner Specter, the founding director of the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden: ''Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century.  Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.''

Ditto for America.

Why is it that the Jewish supremacist leaders promote unfettered immigration into America and Europe under the guise of humanitarianism but prevent any non-Jewish immigration into Israel?

This is just one of many similar questions demanding an answer.  If the leaders of World Jewry are really concerned about 'the rise of anti-Semitism' then perhaps it's time they take a good hard look in a mirror and ask themselves if maybe their collective actions are to blame.

More and more each day Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith are dictating to Americans what we can and cannot say and how we must think about certain historical events, namely the so-called 'Holocaust'.  To not believe properly can cost you your career in America and your freedom in Europe.  The loose definition of 'hate speech' that has been concocted by these Jewish Supremacist thought police now applies to any American who may be critical of Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people, or who may simply call attention to the Jews' over-representation in Hollywood, the media, the government and/or Wall Street.

It has gotten so out of hand that for a Gentile to even quote a Jew is enough to get them stigmatized with the worn out anti-Semite designation.

When Jewish historian Nathan Abrams says that "Jews are the driving force behind the modern pornographic industry, and their motivation is in part to destroy the morals of Gentiles'' or Jane Eisner writes in the Jewish Forward that Jews are behind 'gay marriage' and the promotion of 'transgenderism,' we are all supposed to applaud and cheer these noble advancements in human evolution.  Everyone must go along with it or they are regarded as a bigot.  The societal transformations imposed on us are known as Tikkun Olam (healing the world) in Jewish thought, and it's the driving force behind almost all of history's Messianic movements.

Similarly, when Jewish historian and feminist Linda Gordon said, "The nuclear family must be destroyed.  Whatever its ultimate meaning, the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process" or Simone Veil, one-time health minister of France stated "We are out to destroy the family.  The best way to do that is to begin by attacking its weakest member, the unborn child" no Goy was allowed to raise a voice of dissent or so much as reproduce the quotes in opprobrious tones, lest they be branded anti-Semitic and rendered liable to having their careers and livelihoods destroyed.

This is the yoke of Jewish Supremacism we are forced to bear, and its burden grows more oppressive with each passing day.

Recently we have seen the definition of anti-Semitism become so all-encompassing that it now ensnares critics of the foreign state of Israel in its vulture-like talons.  How criticism of a foreign nation can constitute 'hate speech' in 'Home of the Free' America is beyond me, but what's for certain is no other nation is protected by such stringent regulations.  It goes without saying that only criminals need to create laws to prevent discussion of their misdeeds.

Speaking candidly about the Jewish tactic of silencing critics, former Israeli Minister Shulamit Alonitold told Amy Goodman on Democracy Now: ''Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians.'' 

Our Judaic oppressors demand that we not call attention to the elephant in the living room even as our young men and women are continuously led off to fight and die in Israel's wars; they order us to remain silent as their corrosive entertainment corrupts the morals, manners and ethics of our children; they expect our continuing fealty even as they crush our economy, secularize our holidays, make a mockery of our heritage and attempt to confiscate our guns....

Just this week we were treated to the treacherous ramblings and finger wagging of Senator Chuck Schumer demanding that an emergency session be held on gun control.  In this, Schumer is taking up the baton and following in the footsteps of so many of his fellow Judaic traitors to our nation who believe in one set of rules for America and quite another for Israel.  The most ardent gun-grabbers in this nation historically have always been Jewish Supremacists.  Just a few of the more vocal notables in recent memory:

Fmr. Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emmanuel
Fmr. Mayor of NYC Michael Bloomberg
Senator Diane Feinstein
Senator Chuck Schumer
Senator Kamala Harris (Jewish husband. Her mother worked as a researcher at Jewish General Hospital)
Senator Richard Blumenthal
Fmr. Senator Frank Lautenberg (deceased)
Fmr. Senator Barbara Boxer
Fmr. Senator Carl Levin
Fmr. Senator Howard Metzenbaum (deceased)
Fmr. Senator Herbert Kohl
Fmr. Senator Arlen Specter (deceased)
Alan Dershowitz
John Rosenthal
Dan Gross
Max Nacheman

The media would have us believe that anyone who stands up for the rights of White Americans or the principles upon which this country was founded, including free speech, are potentially violent extremists who need to be dealt with accordingly.  But anyone who has spent any time researching the topic of 'extremism' will be able to tell you that the most hostile and virulent form of extremism is that of a kosher variety.

Prominent members of the international Jewish community routinely make outlandish genocidal declarations directed at non-Jews.  More often than not the perpetually outraged western world shrugs its shoulders indifferently as it feebly gawks on in silence, expressing its tacit approval.  But when an American of pasty complexion has the audacity to point out what should be obvious to everyone, namely that our rights are being eroded by a foreign interloper who has usurped the levers of control in our once free nation, he is labelled an anti-Semite and under new 'Red Flag' laws could be liable to have his constitutional right to own a firearm taken away.

Meanwhile, virulent Jewish Extremism spews forth from the highest echelons of international power on a regular basis.

In a 2011 interview with Radio Kol Hai, an Orthodox Judaic radio station, Rabbi Shapira stated, “When you read Jewish law in many places, you might understand that gentiles can be killed freely without problems.” 

Ayelet Shaked, Israel's Minister of Justice (sic), made the statement that ''the entire Palestinian people is the enemy...including its elderly and its women, its cities and villages, its property and its infrastructure.''  She called for the slaughter of Palestinian women who give birth to ''little snakes.''

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the former chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel, called for the extermination of the Palestinian people.  Quoted by the BBC, Yosef, in a sermon to mark the beginning of Passover, said:
 ''It is forbidden to be merciful to them.  You must send missiles to them and annihilate them.  They are evil and damnable....The lord shall return the Arabs' deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate them and vanish them from this world.''

In January of 2019, five Israeli soldiers were charged with severely beating a blindfolded Palestinian man and his son after they were accused of helping a man escape who is alleged to have shot two Israeli soldiers.  According to the indictment, the soldiers beat the man in the head, face and ribs.  He sustained a severely broken nose, multiple broken ribs and suffered internal bleeding.  During the beating they removed the son's blindfold so that he was forced to witness it.  The soldiers then beat the son to a bloody pulp and crushed his testicles.  As is usually the case in these instances, high-profile Israeli politicians raced for the microphones to defend the actions of the soldiers.  The Times of Israel quotes the leader of the Jewish Home Party, Bezalel Smotrich, as saying: ''Am I the only one who's not shocked that soldiers gave a little beating to terrorists who helped someone kill their comrades?  This is at most a disciplinary matter.''  Member of the Knesset (MK) Oren Hazan, accused the military of ''trumping up charges'' against the soldiers.  ''This indictment is another mark of disgrace for a military command that doesn't know how to protect its soldiers.''  This wasn't the first controversy this battalion had faced, in fact they had been embroiled in quite a few.  According to the Times of Israel article, ''In 2016, a soldier from the battalion was sentenced to 21 days in military prison for taking part in what is called a ''hate wedding,'' in which extremists celebrated the murder of a Palestinian toddler several months earlier.''

Statements and actions such as the aforementioned elicit no meaningful response from our nation of spineless wrecks and political lapdogs.  The statements quoted above, and countless others besides, pour forth regularly, not from the mouths of obscure nobodies, but from top leaders of the Jewish religious/political/intellectual community in Israel, Europe and America.

Rabbi Manis Friedman in the United States once said "I don't believe in western morality, i.e. don't kill civilians or children, don't destroy holy sites, don't fight during holiday seasons, don't bomb cemeteries, don't shoot until they shoot first because it's immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites.  Kill men, women and children."

How does Rabbi Friedman's belief square with the American ideals of democracy that we are supposedly spreading throughout the world through the conduit of paid mercenaries? What of a shared "Judeo-Christian tradition"?

To oppose Friedman's genocidal declaration in our 'One nation under the Rabbis' would be to open oneself up to the charge of anti-Semitism. Can you imagine if a Christian leader of European descent made similar remarks? The hue and cry would send shock waves to the moon and back.  Why is nothing said about the virulent anti-Goyism inherent within the Jewish community? The hypocrisy is stunning.

No, America, the threat to our nation is not the disenfranchised White people who are too fractured and disjointed to even organize a piss up in a brewery; who have no demographic or political clout, and are hopelessly afflicted with a self-hate that is reinforced almost anytime some Steven Spielberg or Harvey Weinstein creates a new film.

Nor is the threat to our nation some invading Muslim horde coming from without.

The true threat to our nation is a parasitic entity that is devouring us from within.  Our national body is dying and the signs of our demise are made manifest for all to see.  Our heads are being filled with toxic doctrines that are antithetical to the natural law and basic cultural values.  We are being taught to hate ourselves, our kin and our heritage based on little more than our particular pigmentary persuasion.

It is not hard to see why our traditional enemies wish to draw a corollary between so-called modern 'White Supremacism' -- another loosely-defined term that can apply to just about any White American -- and violence.  By doing so they can demonize anyone who speaks out against Jewish Supremacist hegemony over our lives, and nullify their right to constitutional protections like the 2nd Amendment.  This is a scenario which has replicated itself many times throughout history.  Our bewildered historically-illiterate countrymen would do well to study the Bolshevik Revolution and find out just who exactly it was that turned early 20th century Czarist Russia into a bloodbath without parallel in known human history, and the steps that they took to bring it there.  The more perceptive among us may indeed apprehend a corollary to our current situation.

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at or by visiting*

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Don't Let Schools Propagandize Your Kids

The following is a letter I wrote to my child’s school upon finding out some of the ideas they were foisting on her and her classmates as it relates to vaccines:

With the school year nearing its end, my daughter recently brought home quite a sizeable pile of papers which have accumulated over the course of the year. Reading through them I became extremely dismayed when I came across a printout of a Washington Post article titled, ‘Measles Spreading Across U.S. to Record High.’

The packet was essentially a propaganda sheet that could’ve been written by the pharmaceutical lobby itself. What made it so offensive was that it wasn’t just an article, but in fact a sales pitch attempting to sell our children on the ‘pressing need’ for receiving the MMR vaccine.

In my opinion, it is entirely irresponsible for a school to attempt to propagandize the minds of our children through scare tactics and fear-mongering promoted by a billion dollar industry. The companies which create and promote these vaccines are literally criminal corporations with appalling records of human rights violations. It's unfortunate this needs to be explained to those who are tasked with teaching our children, but apparently it does.

The overall theme of the article was that the safety of vaccines, specifically the controversial MMR shot, has been settled. Nothing is further from the truth. If this were the case the FDA would not have ordered the placement of over 100 dangerous side effects to be listed on the insert to the vaccine, ranging in severity from rashes, vomiting, fever and diabetes to Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), febrile convulsions, seizures and death. These are all listed on the vaccine manufacturers websites as well. They are not hard to find.

** If the science were truly settled why did Harvard Medical School MD John Abramson, author of the book Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine, say in response to a question he was asked about mandatory vaccination “the bottom line is that I think, what the science is, is incomplete. There is no question about it. And the politics of it, as the way it’s done, as a legal matter, and the inability of people who are injured by vaccines to sue for compensation, preventing plaintiffs’ lawyers from getting to the scientific data, it’s big problems.” **

Does this sound like a procedure that is uniquely beneficial to all children posing zero risk to anybody? Shouldn’t even the possibility of one child suffering just one of these ‘side-effects’ make you think twice before attempting to impress upon young minds with corporate propaganda? One is left to wonder whether measles (really more of an infection than a disease) is even enough of an issue to roll the dice and risk such damaging side-effects. Once-upon-a-time all that was needed to cure the measles was a week off from school and some nutritious food, and the immune system was better off because of it.

Health decisions such as these should be of little business to the school. However, if education were truly the objective here then why was no counterweight offered? Why were the children not furnished with work done by such notable people as Robert Kennedy Jr., CDC whistleblower Bill Thompson, Dr. Andrew Wakefield or the Harvard immunologist and Rockefeller University graduate Tetyana Obukhanych to see if their side of the story sounds more or less credible to them? This is the fundamental difference between education and indoctrination; education allows all sides to be heard and allows people to draw their own conclusions.

As previously stated, the 4 main companies responsible for the creation and promotion of childhood vaccines are convicted criminals. Since 2009 these four companies (Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi) have collectively paid 35 billion dollars in criminal penalties, damages and fines for defrauding regulators, falsifying science, bribing doctors and lying to the public. But because of a little piece of legislation known as the ‘Vaccine Protection Act,' alluded to earlier by Dr. John Abramson, parents are unable to sue the manufacturers in the event their child suffers from one of the ‘side effects’ listed on the insert to the vaccine itself! To add further insult to quite literal injury, these companies are entirely exempt from performing safety tests. This is unprecedented for ‘health products’ and especially worrisome when considering the disastrous results of some of their other 'medicines' which are subjected to safety tests.

For example:

It is now a known fact that the drug Vioxx, which was created by Merck (the foremost company behind the MMR vaccine), killed at least 120,000 people before it was finally taken off the shelf. It is also known that Merck knew the drug caused heart attacks but prevented that information from being made public. These are the very same people dictating to us what we should be injecting our children with, and it is their nonobjective propaganda you are poisoning our children’s minds with. Perhaps the students could have been given a printout of a CBS News article titled, ‘Merck Created Hit List to ”Destroy” “Neutralize” or “Discredit” Dissenting Doctors’ to help them form an opinion of the companies behind the campaign for compulsory vaccination; a campaign that is entirely at variance with the Nuremberg Code.

A little bit of critical thinking is required here, something in short supply in the unyielding fields of public education.

It can easily be proven that the pharmaceutical cartel holds massive sway over our media. These unscrupulous companies pay billions of dollars a year in advertising revenue to the television stations. For this reason alone we are constantly bombarded with drug ads of all make and model, most of which spend the duration of the commercial listing off the plethora of serious side effects while images of vibrant smiling faces pass by on the screen.

Recently I saw a big measles scare piece put out by Lester Holt on NBC. The general tone was not one of unbiased investigation but rather of fear-mongering and over-the-top sensationalism. Immediately I smelled a rat. The first thing I did was look to see who were the main financial contributors to his show and wouldn’t ya know it…Merck – the criminal manufacturer of the MMR vaccine – topped the list. The whole piece was just one big advertisement for Merck and their MMR shot. Nothing objective about it. I wonder if anyone at the school performed this simple line of investigation as it pertains to Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post before subjecting our youth to such Soviet style propaganda? Certainly his enterprise just recently purged numerous books and videos by credible doctors, scientists and researchers who don’t toe the pharmaceutical lobby’s line on this matter.

Upon learning of this level of control by corporate interests an observant mind is left to question whether or not the ‘great measles scare’ of 2019 is really all it’s made out to be.

Surely the corporations telling us that it is have much to gain financially but I myself have yet to so much as meet a person who knows somebody who has a distant relative who has contracted measles. I do, however, know many people whose kids suffer from seizures, food allergies, learning disabilities, Asperger’s, autism, etc.

Forgive me for being skeptical but wasn’t it only a few years ago we were all going to be ravaged by Ebola, yellow fever, swine or bird flus? All of these ‘incidents’ were hyped up as a crisis almost without parallel in known human history and hordes of unquestioning people rushed off to receive their inoculations, doing their part, they believed, in helping to forestall this end times scenario. Children at school were presumably given the same sort of literature impressing them with the dire need to be immunized from these modern day bubonic plagues. And then what happened?? Ah…Nothing! In each case the whole matter seemingly just disappeared overnight hardly ever to be mentioned again! These diseases weren’t ‘vaccinated out of existence’ in a mere matter of weeks. It was all just a big hoax cooked up by the same people who own the media and profit handsomely by hawking their wares every time one of these ‘outbreaks’ occurs. Those of us who took the time to examine the actual statistics concerning any of these alleged outbreaks learned they were nowhere near the magnitude of what we were told they were. Wake up! Are people really so dense as to believe a system which realizes massive profits by keeping us sick is suddenly interested in making us well?? The maxim ‘A patient cured is a customer lost’ is a binding code to these crooks who have time and time again been exposed as unethical liars and murderous villains and yet are somehow transmuted into guardians of humanity’s health and well-being in the literature thoughtlessly peddled at your school.

In closing let me just state what should be the obvious. Not every kid is the same. Each child is a unique expression of creation who share some similarities but have many differences as well. Nothing is so beneficial as to be good for everybody. So although peanut oil is a great thing for many people, if a child is allergic to peanuts they are going to have serious problems. I would not expect you to promote information put out by the peanut lobby – if indeed such an organization existed – suggesting kids get injected with peanut oil without also adding the potential dangers for those who could possibly be adversely affected by them. So it should be with vaccines. There is without question a number of children whose bodies will not process the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and aborted human tissues as well as others. If this wasn’t the case then why the need for the hundred plus warnings listed on the vaccine insert itself placed there by the FDA?

The increasing push to make vaccinations compulsory should worry anyone with even a modicum of sanity left. When we can no longer choose what gets injected directly into our bodies or the bodies of our children, what freedom is left? I would suggest in the future you desist in trying to mold the minds of our youth into accepting such a controversial procedure which should be handled on a child-to-child basis and is the business of nobody but the family and their doctor.
*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at or by visiting*

The Art of Deception

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