Friday, November 8, 2019

One Nation Under Siege

America is a nation under siege.  The foundational cornerstones of our civilization are under incessant attack by an oppressor who operates from 'inside the castle walls'.  There are no taboos 'they' don't seek to normalize and no social mores 'they' don't seek to overturn.

Working towards this end, our traditional enemies use the electronic media to relentlessly attack our traditions and mock our heritage and ways of life on an extraordinary scale.  Observe the way that white Christian families are depicted in Hollywood movies, television shows and commercials, for instance.

For this reason I very rarely watch T.V.  It has become unbearable.  In fact, my acquiescence to the boob-tube pretty much begins and ends with taking in the occasional sporting event a few times a year.  Last month I subjected myself to the MLB playoffs/World Series; and consequently, many of the noxious 'ads' that went along with it.

Now, for the most part, these so-called 'advertisements' are not actually advertising the products that they claim to be selling.  Very little time is spent showing the product and explaining what it does compared with the time spent promoting a toxic cultural agenda.  For example: In the past month alone I saw an ad for a bank which featured two overweight homosexual males who had apparently adopted a child; an ad for a cell phone which featured a bearded man in a dress standing on the back of a pickup truck with the theme of 'just be yourself', and a profusion of white women 'romantically' involved with black men.  I don't know about you, but the sight of a bearded drag queen certainly doesn't entice me to buy a telephone.  Wtf is going on here?!?  I have a simple rule of thumb: anytime you see something that assaults your sense of human dignity, do some research into who is behind it.  You may be shocked by the consistency of what you find.

Readers of my other blogs will be unsurprised by the revelation that the marketing industry in this country is entirely in the hands of a foreign race.  That's right, the very same race that outright owns the banks and mass media despite the notable handicap of only comprising 2% of the national population!  You know who I am talking about, don't make me say it....small tribe, always crying persecution.... wields enormous political power....wear funny little hats....starts with a 'J' and rhymes with shoes....

Just four companies have completely monopolized the marketing/advertisement industry and are responsible for almost all of the garbage we are now seeing so frequently in this country and around the entire Western world.  Those four companies are: The Omnicom Group (founded by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Bernbach), Interpublic (CEO and Chairman Michael Isor Roth), WPP (founded and run by Martin Sorrell) and Publicis (CEO for the last three decades, Maurice Levy, is the son of a rabbi.  Sounds like a swear word doesn't it?)  Another large company responsible for the production of numerous anti-White commercials is HLG Studios of Los Angeles (founded by Yuri Baranofsky).

The monopoly that has been secured over this influential perception-shaping medium has allowed the infiltrators to foist their anti-Western ersatz reality upon us with stunning success; an inverted reality in which left is right and up is down.

Quoting from an excellent article on titled 'The War Against Whites in Advertising': The New York Times states that these companies are so powerful “they can indirectly set network television schedules and starve magazines to death or help them to flourish,” by deciding how and when to spend advertising dollars. Each company owns dozens if not hundreds of smaller agencies; Omnicom has bought over 150 firms alone.

For a brief moment, I thought I was on to something. There seems to be a disproportionate number of Jews and those with Jewish sympathies involved in advertising. From small start-up firms to multi-billion-dollar corporations, all of which are promoting hostile anti-white canards, while praising “diversity” and “inclusion.” I’m sure it’s just another coincidence.

What good is a democracy when this level of intellectual rape takes place on such an enormous scale?  Now would be a good time for Americans to snap out of their stupefied slumber and realize who is overwhelmingly in control of shaping their thoughts and formulating their opinions.  It is a rather pitiable sight to behold the unsuspecting American wave his flag and proclaim that 'We are Free' even as his very mind has become the sole property of someone else; a mere petri dish for an alien race. Slavery of this magnitude is far more oppressive than anything that can be done with shackles and chains.  I wonder if millions of Americans would still be so vocal in their support of things like abortion, mass immigration, the increasingly-bizarre LGBT agenda, race-mixing and the War on Terror, if they knew that their perceptions on such things have been surreptitiously molded over decades by a small group of scheming Jews who hate America almost as much as they hate Christ?

In the introduction to his 1928 book titled Propaganda, Edward Bernays, the 'founding father of public relations' and Jewish nephew of Sigmund Freud, wrote: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” 

The 'invisible government' of which Bernays so gleefully wrote all those years ago is comprised of the same group who are today deceiving us into fighting their wars in the Middle East and rendering us destitute through their usurious banking empire.  They have perfected their subversive methods over a long period of time and their dastardly deeds can be traced back into antiquity.  La Civilita Cattolica, one of the oldest Italian Catholic periodicals, published a series of articles in 1890 concerning the history between Catholics and Jews.  In one article the author writes: "Journalism and public education are like the two wings that carry the Israelite dragon so that it might corrupt and plunder all over Europe...The Jews buy the press, over half of the newspapers are in their power, and they use it on behalf of their ideas.  Jews are responsible for the moral decline in France because, "entirely Jewish is the pornographic and irreligious press which sullies the country and has no equal in civilized place...The Jews sully France with the most obscene, most scandalous, most nauseous journalism imaginable and the Freemasons eagerly disseminate it."

The wholly-disproportionate control that has been accrued by this one group of people is simply astounding and it is apparent that they are using it not to elevate us spiritually through soaring works of great and inspiring beauty, but to lead us ever farther down the twisted path to perdition.  We need to come to grips with the domineering influence exerted on all of our lives by this single group and stop pretending like it doesn't exist.  Nothing will get better unless we do - not least of all for our children whose young minds are constantly absorbing the sickening creations of these warped individuals.  It does no good simply dismissing this information out-of-hand as a baseless 'conspiracy theory' as so many unobservant people find comfort in doing.  The easily verifiable facts are that Jewish supremacists own the entirety of the media/marketing agencies and are using them to reshape our lives in accordance with their distorted world view.  These are not just my words....

 In a 1998 documentary entitled Hollywood: An Empire of their Own, Jewish author Neal Gabler, boasts candidly about how Jewish Hollywood filmmakers set about obliterating the values of traditional Americans: ''They created their own America, an America which is not the real America...But ultimately this shadow America becomes so popular and so widely disseminated that its images and its values come to devour the real America.  And so the grand irony of all of Hollywood is that Americans come to define themselves by the shadow of America that was created by the Eastern European Jewish immigrants who weren't permitted in the precincts of the real America."

Do you ever wonder at the inexplicable transformation the American male has undergone?  Once an industrious, tough-as-nails creature who provided for the family has largely been turned into a grotesque, drunken playboy or a lisping, limp-wristed sissy!  How did that happen?!?  Gabler is telling you how!

Why is it that we find a preponderance of Jews active at all levels of every organization dedicated towards the overthrow of traditional values?  What are the chances that this could happen accidentally time after time throughout the ages from a people making up just 1% of the world population?  Not a chance.  Each and every day we are forced to endure countless shots and slanders aimed at our Christian traditions, our European heritage and American way of life, all emanating from the same quarters.  Whether it comes in the form of 'comedian' Larry David urinating on a picture of Jesus Christ on his show Curb Your Enthusiasm, Rachel Bloom singing about anal sex on Bill Nye the 'Science' Guy's show, or Roseanne Barr obliterating the national anthem before a baseball game and spitting on the ground afterwards, behind almost each and every assault on our human dignity will be found the Jew.  Television producer Tom Werner was the man responsible for setting up the whole Roseanne Barr fiasco in his role as Padres team co-owner.  Werner and Barr are both Jewish.  How would the American people react if it were two Iranians who contrived to turn our national anthem into a scene which wouldn't be out of place in a Mel Brooks (aka Melvin Kaminsky) movie?  They are literally laughing in our faces and we are foolishly laughing along with them and paying them our hard-earned money for the privilege!  Wake up Americans!  This is who really controls our country; they are not Christians, they are not Americans, they are scoundrels.

The great American industrialist Henry Ford, writing in 1920: "It is rather surprising, isn't it, that whichever way you turn to trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you come upon a group of Jews?  In baseball corruption - a group of Jews.  In exploitative finance - a group of Jews.  In theatrical degeneracy - a group of Jews.  In liquor propaganda - a group of Jews.  In control of national war policies - a group of Jews.  Absolutely dominating the wireless communications of the world - a group of Jews.  In the menace of the Movies - a group of Jews.  In control of the Press through business and financial pressure - a group of Jews.  War profiteers, 80 per cent of them - Jews.  Organizers of active opposition of Christian laws and customs - Jews.  And now, in this miasma of so-called popular music, which combines weak-mindedness with every suggestion of lewdness - again Jews." 

One hundred years later and it's only gotten much worse.

*Visit my website for more writings and media appearances.*


  1. Hi,

    How are you? I've read your articles on Natural News. I run a farming/gardening site and was wondering how much you'd charge to add a link to my site OR one of my blog articles in your next Natural News article?

    Let me know. Thanks!


  2. I have been saying this for many, many years. Those Edomites have been at it since their fore father sold his birthright to his twin brother Jacob so many thousands of years ago. Esau has become the head and we the tail. Yahweh is going to end it all, hopefully very soon, eith the return of his son Yahwehshua the messiah.


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