Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Selective Opprobrium of the Radical Left

 During the early hours of Monday December 21st, the statue of legendary Confederate General Robert E. Lee was removed from the nation's Capitol, in a move which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to as "welcome news."  The dauntless general will be replaced in the spot he's occupied for over 100 years by Barbara Johns, a 'civil rights activist' whose crowning achievement in the 'fight for equality' was organizing a student walkout when she was 16 years old.

The statue of General Lee is just the latest casualty of the 'War on White Monuments,' a war that has been raging since the death of the drug-addicted career criminal George Floyd in May.  Since then, even the monuments to men who were historically quite favorable to blacks - men such as Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant - have been vandalized by the marauding gangs of Marxist thugs who comprise the membership of BLM, Antifa, and the Democratic Party.  

The point to be taken is this: these markers to our past are not being taken down or destroyed because they represent men who were 'racists,' but because they were inspirational - if flawed - white men of European descent.  Today it's Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, tomorrow it's George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

The communist denizens of the Left don't care about fighting racism.  To them it's just a convenient weapon to be used in their crusade to dispossess white Europeans of their cultural heritage.  If this wasn't the case and they were truly sincere in their campaign to expunge racist memorials from our midst, then why does a marble portrait of Moses Maimonides remain unmolested inside the halls of Congress?

Maimonides (Rambam) was a 12th century rabbinic scholar and doctor of considerable power and influence, as he was the personal physician to the Sultan of Egypt and Syria.  To this day he is regarded as an unparalleled arbiter of Jewish law, and is exalted by mainstream media and academia as a sagely philosopher superior to either Aristotle or Aquinas.

But Maimonides was a racist of the most virulent type.  He taught that non-Jews could be killed indiscriminately in lands where Jewish power was such that there wouldn't be any serious repercussions. 

In his masterwork of Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah, in the section Avodat Kochavim Ch. 10, Maimonides issues the injunction to "Show no mercy to a non-Jew. If we see a non-Jew being swept away or drowning in a river, we should not help him. If we see that his life is in danger, we should not save him."  Elsewhere in Avodat Kochavim, the 'Rambam' extols the murder of Jesus Christ, writing "It is a mitzvah to destroy Jewish traitors...and to cause them to descend to the pit of destruction, since they cause difficulty to the Jews...as did Jesus of Nazareth and his students..." Furthermore, he decrees that in nations where Jewish power is supreme (like in Israel today) "It is forbidden to offer medical treatment to a non-Jew even if offered payment."

Maimonides' other most famous and influential work is titled Guide to the Perplexed, in which he refers to African people as ''irrational animals," explaining: "To my mind they do not have the rank of men, but have among the beings a rank lower than the rank of man but higher than the rank of apes.  For they have the external shape and lineaments of a man and a faculty of discernment that is superior to that of apes."

To retail all of the racism and prescriptions for the extermination of Gentiles contained within the writings of Maimonides would take a work of considerable volume far exceeding the scope of this article. (I highly recommend Judaism Discovered or Judaism's Strange Gods by scholar Michael A. Hoffman.) 

So who is directing the erasure of Western civilization?  It's certainly interesting that Maimonides - a man so murderously antagonistic towards Christians and other non-Jews - is able to maintain his illustrious legacy among our nation's elite, and continues to be above reproach by today's 'anti-racism activists.'  

The same apparent paradox applies to his most famous adherent, Menachem Mendel Schneerson - the 'Great Rebbe' of the extremist Chabad Lubavitch sect (also spelt Habad)..  Schneerson was revered by many of his followers as the living messiah, even though his extreme disdain for non-Jews was no secret.  According to Jewish scholars Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky (Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel), Schneerson maintained that: "The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all nations of the world...An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."  His vicious racism notwithstanding, Schneerson's birthday is officially observed every year in the U.S. as 'Education Day,' passed by an Act of Congress in 1986. [1] 

Chabad Lubavitch wields enormous power in Washington D.C. and its representatives have been hosted at the White House by every administration since Jimmy Carter.  Concerning the organization's founder, Shneur Zalman, and his attitude towards non-Jews, Dr. Roman A. Foxbrunner of Harvard University quotes him in his book Habad: The Hasidism of R. Shneur Zalman of Lyady as having taught: "Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order.  They are totally evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever...Their material abundance derives from supernal refuse." [2]

Zalman's extreme racism permeates Chabad to the present day. Jewish publication The New Republic (May 4, 1992), points out, "...there are some powerful ironies in Habad's new messianic universalism, in its mission to gentiles; and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Habad's otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt for the goyim...The founder of Lubavitcher Hasidism taught that there is a difference of essence between the souls of Jews and the souls of gentiles, that only in the Jewish soul does there reside a spark of divine vitality...Moreover, this characterization of gentiles as being inherently evil, as being spiritually as well as biologically inferior to Jews, has not in any way been revised in later Habad writing."

In spite of their utter contempt for Gentiles, Chabad Lubavitch is able to swagger into towns across America every December and erect their hideous rake-like menorahs on public property without any protest from the "inferior" Gentiles, who can hardly sing Christmas carols in public without upsetting the fragile sensibilities of some Jew.  A prevalent double standard is usually a reliable measuring stick of Jewish privilege. 

Speaking of Jewish privilege, there's another monument still intact, this time in Florida, commemorating a man who, due to his legacy as a "vigorous supporter of slavery and secession," should've been placed on the BLM/Antifa chopping block long ago.

David Levy Yulee was the first Jew to serve in the U.S. Senate, serving from 1845-1851, and again from 1855-1861.  He came from a family of immense wealth.  His father, Moses Elias Levy, amassed a fortune in the lumber trade and was a first cousin of Phillip Benjamin, father of the future Confederate Secretary of State, Judah P. Benjamin.  Then, as now, Jews wielded enormous power.  It's been said that Judah Benjamin was a close confidant of both the Rothschilds of Europe and John Wilkes Booth, an interesting constellation to be sure.

In 1851, David Levy Yulee built a large sugar-cane plantation on land in Florida that his father had purchased with the intention of establishing a "New Jerusalem" for Jewish settlers.  The 5,000 acre plantation was built and maintained with the use of slave labor.  But plantation work was just one use the former senator had for slave labor, and in 1853 he chartered the Florida Railroad Company and began employing the use of slaves in the construction of his extensive railroad lines.  Before long he came to be known as the 'Father of Florida's Railroads' serving as president of the Florida Railroad Company, Peninsula Railroad Company, Tropical Florida Railway Company, and the Fernandina and Jacksonville Railroad Company.  Yulee's widespread use of slave labor in these ventures helped make him an extraordinarily wealthy man, though this fact has largely been whitewashed from his biography. [3]

Yulee's slave-holding seems to be of little concern to today's heart-on-the-sleeve SJW's.  In Florida, both Yulee County and the town of Yulee are named for him, and in the year 2000 the Florida Department of State designated him a 'Great Floridan', commemorating his legacy with plaques in the Fernandina Chamber of Commerce and the Yulee Sugar Mill Ruins State Historic Site.  In 2014, a statue was dedicated to him in the town of Fernandina Beach where it remains unharmed to this day.

Apparently our various anti-bigotry groups have about as much concern for David Levy Yulee's sordid past as they do for that of crypto-Jew mass murderer Vladimir Lenin, statues of whom stand untouched in New York City and Seattle, Washington.  The murder and oppression of millions of Christians in Soviet Russia fails to register as bigotry to the double minds of today's ministers of tolerance, whose situation ethics imagine that Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jefferson's Gentile slave-holding is somehow more abhorrent than the kosher variety practiced by David Yulee.  As usual, one set of rules for the Goyim, quite another for the Chosenites.  Moses Maimonides wouldn't have had it any other way.  His marble visage over the gallery doors of America's House Chamber is a perfect encapsulation of the damnable hypocrisy rife within our nation.


[1] This same Act of Congress (House Joint Resolution 173) also enshrined the Jewish Noachide Laws (Public Law 102-14).  The Noachide Laws consist of seven commands that Gentiles must follow if they are to be considered 'righteous' and deserving of a place in the 'world to come.'  One of the laws explicitly calls for the death of 'idolaters' with an emphasis on beheading. In his Mishneh Torah, Maimonides states that Christians are idolaters.  Eminent Talmud scholar Michael A. Hoffman:  

    "Another gateway to making nice about the non-Jews is the much publicized “Noahide” (also spelled “Noachide”) status that it is said goyim can obtain to become “righteous.” However, one would do well to read the “fine print” of the misnamed Noahide laws (they have nothing to do with the Biblical Noah). Under these rabbinic laws, “idol worshippers” are liable to the death penalty. (BT Sanhedrin 57a). This should not be a source of anxiety, correct? After all, true Christians don’t worship idols.  Again, consult the fine print: the rabbinic legal authorities of Orthodox Judaism decree that the worship of Jesus Christ is “avodah zarah” (idol worship; cf. Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Avodat Kochavim 9:4; Teshuvos Pri ha-Sadeh 2:4. Also Igros Moshe, Y.D. 3:129-6).  Any non-Jew classed as a “Noahide” and who worships Jesus Christ as the Son of God is in for a lethal surprise: he or she is liable for the death penalty."

 Interestingly, the official symbol of the Noahide Laws is the rainbow, the same symbol appropriated by the revolutionary LGBT movement.  Professor Easterly of the Southern University Law Center, has referred to Public Law 102-14 as the "first rays of dawn" which "evidence the rising of a still unseen sun."

[2] Renowned Lubavitch rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg is a prominent and outspoken supporter of Baruch Goldstein's February 25, 1994 mass murder of 29 Palestinian men, women and children while they prayed in a mosque in Hebron.  The homicidal Goldstein was a Jewish physician who strictly obeyed Maimonides' mandate not to treat Gentiles.  After refusing to treat a Palestinian child who had been shot in the legs, Goldstein was quoted by the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot (Mar. 1, 1994) as saying: "I am not willing to treat any non-Jew. I recognize as legitimate only two authorities: Maimonides and Kahane."  In a book titled Baruch Hagever (Baruch the Saint), Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh writes that Goldstein's massacre was "a fulfillment of a number of commands of Jewish religious law...Among his good deeds, as enumerated, are...taking revenge on non-Jews, extermination of the non-Jews who are from the seed of Amalek...and the sanctification of the Holy Name."  According to the Jerusalem Post (Nov. 12, 1996) "The murders have led, in the rabbi's opinion, to...clear knowledge among the Jews that 'the life of a Jew is preferable to the life of a non-Jew."' [Emphasis supplied] 

[3]  The overwhelming Jewish role in the enslavement of blacks on this continent has been extensively recorded by the Nation of Islam in their three volume set The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, which relies primarily on Jewish sources.

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at PerfidyofZionbook@gmail.com or by visiting www.truthblitzkrieg.com*

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Decision America: Trump or The Swamp?

I was fairly excited when Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016. Not so much for who he is, but for what he symbolized to the American people.  Millions of Americans believed Donald Trump was not another serpent of the Washington septic tank. His election represented a clarion call from the people that they were sick and tired of the way things had been going and were taking it upon themselves to make a change. 

As inspiring as his election was, I myself had significant reservations about what he would actually do once in office. I've always had trouble taking the rhetoric of any politician at face value. Maybe I'm cynical. 

After four years my analysis is this: Trump, like anyone else, is a mixed bag. There are some things he's done that I like and some that I don't. (I for one have been very critical of his foreign policy at times.) I can understand people thinking he's rude, a braggart, and a loudmouth, and I'm sure they could point to many examples that would be impossible to refute. 

But none of that is really important anymore. 

Our nation is under attack. 

The Left's communist Frankenstein that was conceived during the late 1950's has completed its process of incubation, grown into adulthood, and is making its play to become the undisputed ruler of all the land. 

To do this the Left has followed the program of every communist revolution of the past by promoting sexual degeneracy, atheism, crime and civil unrest, knowing full-well that a demoralized population is one that's ripe for the picking.  Over the past 7 months this program has gained significant momentum. 

If we put the recent BLM 'protests' and the 'pandemic' lock-down into proper focus we find ourselves in the exact situation which preceded both the French Revolution of the late 18th century and the Bolshevik Revolution of the early 20th century; i.e. massive unemployment, churches and businesses closed, prisons emptied, and marauding gangs of criminals instigating a nationwide reign of terror. Make no mistake, this is the program of 'The Revolution' and has been since an unruly mob stormed the Bastille in 1789. Before long they were marching around with the severed heads of their political opponents on pikes. 

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 

A Biden presidency is the stalking horse through which today's wild-eyed radicals hope to place the capstone upon their infernal pyramid and gain permanent control over the executive branch of the U.S. Government. If successful, it will be one of their final conquests. America as we know it will be relegated to the vaults of history forever. 

Serving as a stumbling block to these designs is President Trump, who has been under incessant attack by this group since the day he announced he was running for office. He is not a savior by any stretch of the imagination, but he has re-energized a large segment of the population that has been bowed down and on its knees for far too long; a segment of the population that can effect change by returning this country to the fundamental principles upon which it was founded.  He has thrown a spanner in the works of the radical Left's machine of globalization and has returned a sense of pride and country to Americans of all ethnic persuasions and backgrounds. 

For these grievous crimes the progressive Left will stop at nothing to depose him in the hopes that a situation like this - i.e. a president standing up for the interests of Americans - can never happen again.  In this sense, the parallels with Louis XVI and Tsar Nicholas II are becoming tough to ignore. 

Perhaps the greatest thing to emerge from Trump's presidency thus far has been the unification of previously disparate pockets of freedom-loving Americans against a tangible domestic enemy that works tirelessly towards the destruction of Western civilization. The dirty tricks employed by these saboteurs are inexhaustible, and rest assured they are going to try everything they can to steal this election.  If Trump is to win, there is a real chance of a healthy 'America First' movement taking shape and becoming a political force for years to come. If he is to lose, however, then you can kiss our country goodbye. 

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at PerfidyofZionbook@gmail.com or by visiting www.truthblitzkrieg.com*

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Zion is No Ally of America First!

"It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world." -George Washington, in his Farewell Address to the People of the United States, September 19, 1796

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all... nations-entangling alliances with none." -Thomas Jefferson, in his First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801

A troubling trend has taken root among many of America's 'conservatives.'  Through persistent displays of media wizardry, Israel's interests have become synonymous with America's in the minds of many right-wingers.  This has had a profoundly negative impact on our nation, and has ultimately resulted in America being mired in unwinnable wars in the Middle East for the past two decades.

Completely ignoring Israel's relentless spying campaign against us, which has been exposed time and time again (including in this 4 part series for Fox News), and its occasional outright terror attacks, today's deluded 'conservative' goes on believing the Zionist state to be an indispensable ally and a shining beacon of capitalism and democracy in the Middle East.

Only when complex issues have been reduced to an oversimplified 'Right vs. Left' dichotomy can such a ridiculous notion begin to gain purchase.  For example: simply by aligning himself closely with the Zionist state, Trump has (perhaps unwittingly) led millions of his supporters into believing that Israel is a vanguard against the insane policies of the progressive Left. The equation works out to something like this: 'The Left hates Trump + Trump, friend of Israel = Israel the ally in our fight against the Left!'  Black and white, easy to understand, no shades of gray.  Of course, this equation only works if we ignore the amorphous tendencies of international Jewry to adapt to the prevailing political/cultural zeitgeist, as noted by Jewish historian and political theorist Murray Rothbard, when he said that neoconservatives "moved from cafeteria Trotskyites to apologists for the US warfare state without missing a beat." 

Much of what Trump says resonates with his base, myself included.  Therefore, it's easy for people to accept his Zionism at face value and go on believing that Israel and America have some sort of sacred bond established upon a sound conservative footing.  This misguided notion is further cemented by the fact that no mainstream conservative pundits, regardless of how otherwise superb, are allowed to call out Israel for the stranglehold it exerts over American life.  Even the exceptional Tucker Carlson beats around the Zio-bush, like when he mentions that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein worked for some nebulous 'foreign intelligence agency,' in place of mentioning the obvious Mossad connection by name.

Playing their part in the ongoing psychodrama, mindless golem like Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Black Lives Matter are occasionally rolled out to voice some vaguely pro-Palestinian sentiments.  The oligarchs are well aware of how these odious figures are (rightly) perceived in the public mind of conservative America.  Anything they support, therefore, must by reflex action be strongly opposed by all decent Americans.  So now, if you oppose Israel's undue influence over almost all aspects of American life, you must be a supporter of Islam and/or the radical Left!  It works like a charm.  "See!" screech the shrill voices of the Charlie Kirks and the Ben Shapiros "The Left hates Israel! America must stand with them!!"

In reality, Israel's control over our media, academia and political system is concrete irrespective of who occupies the Oval Office.  Few examples better illustrate this point than the billions of American taxpayer dollars sent to the apartheid Zionist state each year, regardless of how severely Americans might be suffering financially.  This policy has continued apace under Democrat and Republican alike for decades.

''Israel controls the U.S Senate.  The Senate is subservient, much too much; we should be more concerned about U.S interests rather than doing the bidding of Israel.  The great majority of the Senate of the U.S. - somewhere around 80% - is completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants, Israel gets.'' - Fmr. U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, Face the Nation, April 15, 1973

Another sizable hurdle for Americans to clear before being able to catch a glimpse of the tefillin-festooned elephant in the living room, is the absurd idea of a shared Judeo-Christian tradition.

Recently I took a trip to Indiana, a section of America well-known for its strong Christian population.  In the course of my travels I was able to talk to many people, and more often than not our conversations found a way of circling back to religion and politics.  I was amazed to see just how many God-fearing, bible-thumping Christians clung to this ridiculous 'Judeo-Christian' notion and were unwavering in their support for the counterfeit state of modern Israel.  At times I found myself wondering out loud where passages such as John 8:44, Titus 1:14, 1 Thessalonians 2:15, Mathew 27:25, Revelation 2:9, 3:9, et al., might fit into their rather schizophrenic worldview.  Truly, the dispensationalist rot of the Scofield bible has taken a deep hold over the minds of many.

Here in the real world, however, there are few groups persecuted worse in Israel than Christians, and this obviously includes the thousands of Palestinian Christians who are treated as a species of sub-human.  In fact, in Israel it is viewed as a mitzvah (a divine deed) to burn Christian churches, and more than a few illustrious rabbis have publicly voiced their support for this act.  (When Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire in 2019, notable Rabbi Schlomo Aviner said: “The great Christian Church in Paris is on fire. Should we feel sorry for that, or should we rejoice, as it [the cathedral] is idolatry, which is a mitzvah to burn?  Several immensely important rabbinic rulers, most prominent among them Maimonides, ruled that churches are places of idolatry and ought to be destroyed. The rulings are very clear.")

Surprised by this?  Well you shouldn't be considering the pride of place the Talmud holds in Israel's public and private life.  Long before Christians allowed themselves to be led astray by wolves in sheep's clothing like Hagee and Robertson, they knew what Jewish tradition really taught vis-a-vis Jesus Christ and his followers.  This was a primary reason Jews were expelled from so many Christian nations in their ignoble and checkered past (109 to be exact).

The Talmud is taught to children in yeshivas all across Israel and America.  Its virulent hostility towards Christians knows no bounds. Take for example, Talmud passage Gittin 57a which says that ''Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement'' and Sanhedrin 105a-b which makes the outrageous claim that ''Jesus fornicated with his jackass.''

So much for that shared Judeo-Christian tradition!

Unsurprisingly, the rabbis shout themselves hoarse trying to claim that there is no mention of Jesus in the Talmud and anything to the contrary is....you guessed it... 'anti-Semitic hate speech!'  We should know better than to take history's master deceivers at their word, however.

In an article titled 'What the Talmud Really Says About Jesus' (Publisher's Weekly, Jan. 31, 2007),  Jewish author David Klinghoffer writes: ''...the scandalous passages indeed refer not to some other figure of ancient times but to the famous Jesus of Nazareth.  What exactly is so scandalous?  How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement?....The Talmud's scattered portrait of Jesus unapologetically mocks Christian doctrines including the virgin birth and the resurrection.''

It's not only Christians who are targeted in the sordid pages of the Talmud.  All non-Jews are regarded as supernal refuse, evidenced by the following passages:

''Property of Gentiles is like a desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it.'' (Baba Bathra 54b)

''If a gentile kills a Jew, the gentile is to be killed. But if a Jew kills a gentile, the Jew is to go free.'' (Sanhedrin 57a)

"If a Gentile hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed" (Sanhedrin 58b)

''All gentile children are animals.'' (Yebamoth 98a)

"Murdering of Goyim (Gentiles) is permissible.'' (Kethuboth 102b)

''The Goyim are not humans. They are beasts.'' (Baba Mezia 114b)

''Even the best of the Goyim should be killed.'' (Abhodah Zarah 26b, Tosephoth; Soferim 15)

 ''Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.'' (Midrash Talpiot)

''All Gentile women are menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and whores.'' (Sanhedrin 81b-82a)

 ''A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.'' (Gad. Shas. 2:2)

What do we make of Trump's good buddy, Benjamin Netanyahu, repeatedly stating that he intends on making the Talmud the law of the land in Israel?  Why do American 'right-wing' pundits refuse to acknowledge the anti-West, anti-Christian attitudes inherent within Israel and its de facto state religion?  Religious scholars point out that nothing even approaching this level of hostility can be found in the Koran, which holds Jesus to have been a powerful prophet, if not the son of God.

The following article is from the European Union Times website and is titled 'Book About Killing Gentile Children Becomes Bestseller in Israel'

 JERUSALEM – A Jewish rabbi has issued a book giving Jews permission to murder non-Jews, including babies and children, who may pose an actual or potential threat to Jews or Israel. “It is permissible to kill the Righteous among non-Jews even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation,” Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement in the occupied West Bank, wrote in his book “The King’s Torah.”
He argues that goyem (a derogatory epithet for non-Jews) may be killed if they threaten Israel.
“If we kill a Gentile who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments – because we care about the commandments – there is nothing wrong with the murder.”
Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro – co-author of the book
Shapiro, who heads a small Talmudic school at the settlement of Yitzhar near Nablus, claims his edict “is fully justified by the Torah and the Talmud.”

Rabbi Shapiro wrote the book with Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, who, according to an April 23, 2013 article in Haaretz, was referred to by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "posek gadol - a great halakhic arbiter."  The article went on: "No Western leader could be caught doing something comparable, even if he wanted to.  No one in the West publishes books on 'the laws of killing Jews,' or on 'the laws of killing non-Christians,' or on the 'laws of killing non-whites.'  They would be marched straight to prison, and anyone saluting them as 'great arbiters' would be booted out of public service."  

This is the mentality that is driving the policies of apartheid Israel.  It makes a mockery out of the concept of a shared Judeo-Christian tradition or an Israeli-American 'conservative alliance.'  Right-wing commentators are rarely at a loss for words concerning radical Islam but are careful never to give vent to a word contra Judaism and its 'holiest text,' or the fact that its doctrines are taught to children in schools across America and Israel.  These toothless analysts bemoan the stifling curtailment of free speech when some Muslim group takes exception to a cartoon mocking Mohammed, but don't say a word when respected historians and grandmothers alike are thrown into prison in Europe for questioning the most minute aspects of the sacred 'Holocaust' dogma.  This is the reality of Jewish supremacism under which the Western world labors.

Americans need to understand that the issue we are dealing with is not one of Right vs. Left or Capitalism vs. Communism. The political juggernaut that is international Jewry will use any and all sides to realize its ends by playing one side off against the other.  Christian conservatives are right to applaud Trump when he says or does something good, like defending the unborn child, our traditions, history, and heritage.  But they must also be vigilant and not allow themselves to blindly accept his misguided allegiance to the terrorist state of Israel, believing that their interests are somehow aligned with the interests of Western civilization.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  These radical extremists hate Western Christian civilization and they make absolutely no bones about it.  It's time we wake up to this fact!

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at PerfidyofZionbook@gmail.com or by visiting www.truthblitzkrieg.com*

Sunday, June 14, 2020

George Floyd, Mathew Shephard and the Importance of Truth

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a black man, died while being apprehended by a white Minneapolis police officer named Derek Chauvin.  The media immediately jumped all over the story and pumped it up as a case of institutionalized racism within the ranks of the American police force.  Overnight Floyd became a martyr and his death was used to polarize American citizens and unleash a nationwide crimewave not seen in this country for many years.  These are the facts that few can dispute.

But was Floyd's death really just a simple case of police brutality?  Undoubtedly, the communists embedded in the fabric of our nation - media execs and politicians alike - working so feverishly to destroy law and order, have much to gain by this oversimplified narrative, but it stands in sharp contradiction to the emerging facts.

Why has the mainstream media (with few honorable exceptions) refused to report that officer Chauvin and George Floyd both worked together as bouncers at the same mobbed-up nightclub, El Nuevo Rodeo?  One could be excused for thinking that this should be a rather important revelation.  Furthermore, investigators have discovered that the shady Latin dance club was owned by some seriously disreputable figures and may have been used as a front for drug dealing, money laundering and counterfeiting.

Also conspicuous in its absence from the mainstream narrative is the fact that Floyd was found to have both fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at his time of death.  The autopsy report showed that the drugs were consumed shortly before he died and that he was also suffering from heart disease and coronavirus.  When taking all of this into account, isn't it fair to speculate on what actually did kill George Floyd?  Shouldn't we maybe pump the brakes just a little on making a martyr out of this man, as unfortunate as his death may be?

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block to the martyrdom of Floyd is the fact that he was convicted for serious crimes on a number of occasions, which resulted in some fairly lengthy prison stints.  The most sinister of these crimes occurred in 2007 when he held a loaded gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman threatening to kill both her and her baby if she tried resisting while his criminal entourage looted her apartment.  He was sentenced to five years in prison.  Is this the kind of man we should hold up as a paragon of decency and virtue?  The liberal media say 'Yes!'

It seems to me that a certain sinister power is invoked when the iniquitous sorcerers of the mainstream media can hoodwink a large segment of the population into exalting a violent career criminal to an almost divine status. (At a time when most Americans were denied the right to hold a funeral for their deceased loved ones due to the ''pandemic,'' Mr. Floyd was given three!)

It certainly isn't the first time that this process of transmutation has occurred.

In 1998 the nation was aghast by the grisly killing of a young homosexual named Mathew Shephard.  The media narrative stated that the murder was a hate crime perpetrated by intolerant bigots for no other reason than Shephard's particular sexual preferences.  A collective revulsion swept the nation and good Christians who understandably opposed sodomy were now in the gun sights of the liberal media and its daily spectators.  Shephard became a martyr and in 2009 President Obama signed into law the Mathew Shephard Act which defined certain acts committed against 'identity groups' as 'Hate Crimes'.  And that is about where the mainstream's interest in the story ends.

In the years subsequent to his murder, rumors persisted that Shephard was involved in a whole slew of slimy activities, including homosexual prostitution and drug dealing.  The media (once again, with very few exceptions) refused to report the emerging evidence, however, obviously feeling that it would damage the legend they had spent so much time constructing.

Then in 2013, an investigative journalist named Stephen Jimenez, who had spent 13 years interviewing over 100 people in connection with the case, published his findings in a book titled 'The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths about the Murder of Mathew Shephard.'

In his book, Jimenez, an award-winning writer, TV producer, and himself, a homosexual, substantiated what people close to the case had known for years; namely that Shephard was selling large amounts of crystal meth, was addicted to the substance, and was involved with heroin.  The book showed how one of his killers, Aaron McKinney, was being pimped out to local homosexuals along with Shephard and both Shephard and McKinney engaged in occasional homosexual activity together (Shephard was HIV-positive at the time of his death).  According to a 2014 article in British newspaper the Guardian "Mathew's drug abuse, and the fact that he knew one of his killers prior to the attack, was never explored in court.  Neither was the rumor that he had access to a shipment of crystal meth with a street value of $10,000 which they wanted to steal."

Jimenez, who faced a torrent of media backlash, said of his book, "This does not make the perfect poster boy for the gay-rights movement, which is a big part of the reason my book has been so trashed....The view was that homophobic rednecks walked into a bar and saw an obviously gay man with money and targeted him and beat him to death for that reason.  But that isn't what happened.  Nothing in this book takes away from the iniquity and brutality of the crime or the culpability of his murderers, but we owe Mathew and other young men like him the truth." [My emphasis]

Even as the facts of the Shephard case have crept their way into mainstream consciousness, the Orwellian laws passed in his name remain on the books and it's not hard to see how they could one day be used to stifle the free speech of those who dissent from the increasingly bizarre psychodrama known as the 'sexual revolution'.

The parallels between the Shephard case and that of George Floyd are impossible to ignore.  Both instances illustrate how the media can create a convenient political narrative through a process of omission and distortion of critical data.  The highly-charged topics are then used to manipulate the emotions of millions of people and to pass previously unthinkable legislative reforms (eg 'defund the police') before the full truth of the matter can emerge.

Once the official narrative is exposed as a pack of lies it is quietly removed from the news cycle, but its potent psychological effects perdure in the collective psyche.  Remember Pat Tillman?  Do you recall how quickly his story vanished from the news after it was learned that he was murdered by his own troops and it was covered up at the highest levels?  To this day his mother decries the fact that she never got a straight answer from anyone about the death of her son.  Few people think of this when they think of Pat Tillman but almost everybody remembers the image of the NFL star who gave it all up to fight and die for his country.  As Jon Krakauer, author of the book 'Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman' stated: "When Pat was alive, the Army tried to make him into their poster boy for the global war on terror, and he resisted.  And after he died, when he wasn't around to object, they really turned him into this - their poster boy.  And they didn't want to come across as having shot their poster boy.  So they had to suppress that.  They didn't want to add bad news.  Instead, they very cleverly turned Pat into [a] diversion.  They turned him into a hero and the country was diverted from the bad stuff in Iraq to Pat Tillman, hero.  And it worked for a while."

This is the power of media magic.

The media will politicize everything it can to achieve very specific ambitions.  More often than not, if people were just willing to scratch the surface of these stories a little bit they would open up a whole substratum of inconvenient facts that demolish the official version and the media's game would be up.  Eternal vigilance is our only hope for a free republic!

In analyzing the cases of both George Floyd and Mathew Shephard I am reminded of a 1996 episode of The Simpsons in which Lisa learns that Jebediah Springfield, the much-beloved founder of her town, was in fact a murderous pirate named Hans Sprungfeld, a man who once tried to murder George Washington.  After investigating the case and learning the uncomfortable truth she decides she will inform the townspeople at the upcoming Jebediah Springfield Founders Day event.  Once there, however, she decides against it, after seeing just how deeply everyone believes the myth.  Here we enter the realm of Joseph Campbell.  The show concludes with Lisa stating in confidentiality that the myth of the man is more powerful than the truth of who he really was.

That may be all well and good for a buffoonish cartoon, but here in the real world we owe it to ourselves and our fellow countrymen to convey the truth whenever we are confronted with it, no matter how unpopular it may be.  There are few examples in history of a nation prospering while upholding historical fictions as absolute truths.  Today we are drowning in them.  The restoration of our Republic cannot begin in earnest until people are ready to confront harsh realities and stop allowing themselves to be duped by the mainstream myth-makers who then seize upon their gullibility to transform our society into a world that would be unrecognizable to our forbears.  May God guide us in our unrelenting quest for truth!

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at PerfidyofZionbook@gmail.com or by visiting my website www.truthblitzkrieg.com*

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