Sunday, June 14, 2020

George Floyd, Mathew Shephard and the Importance of Truth

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a black man, died while being apprehended by a white Minneapolis police officer named Derek Chauvin.  The media immediately jumped all over the story and pumped it up as a case of institutionalized racism within the ranks of the American police force.  Overnight Floyd became a martyr and his death was used to polarize American citizens and unleash a nationwide crimewave not seen in this country for many years.  These are the facts that few can dispute.

But was Floyd's death really just a simple case of police brutality?  Undoubtedly, the communists embedded in the fabric of our nation - media execs and politicians alike - working so feverishly to destroy law and order, have much to gain by this oversimplified narrative, but it stands in sharp contradiction to the emerging facts.

Why has the mainstream media (with few honorable exceptions) refused to report that officer Chauvin and George Floyd both worked together as bouncers at the same mobbed-up nightclub, El Nuevo Rodeo?  One could be excused for thinking that this should be a rather important revelation.  Furthermore, investigators have discovered that the shady Latin dance club was owned by some seriously disreputable figures and may have been used as a front for drug dealing, money laundering and counterfeiting.

Also conspicuous in its absence from the mainstream narrative is the fact that Floyd was found to have both fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system at his time of death.  The autopsy report showed that the drugs were consumed shortly before he died and that he was also suffering from heart disease and coronavirus.  When taking all of this into account, isn't it fair to speculate on what actually did kill George Floyd?  Shouldn't we maybe pump the brakes just a little on making a martyr out of this man, as unfortunate as his death may be?

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block to the martyrdom of Floyd is the fact that he was convicted for serious crimes on a number of occasions, which resulted in some fairly lengthy prison stints.  The most sinister of these crimes occurred in 2007 when he held a loaded gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman threatening to kill both her and her baby if she tried resisting while his criminal entourage looted her apartment.  He was sentenced to five years in prison.  Is this the kind of man we should hold up as a paragon of decency and virtue?  The liberal media say 'Yes!'

It seems to me that a certain sinister power is invoked when the iniquitous sorcerers of the mainstream media can hoodwink a large segment of the population into exalting a violent career criminal to an almost divine status. (At a time when most Americans were denied the right to hold a funeral for their deceased loved ones due to the ''pandemic,'' Mr. Floyd was given three!)

It certainly isn't the first time that this process of transmutation has occurred.

In 1998 the nation was aghast by the grisly killing of a young homosexual named Mathew Shephard.  The media narrative stated that the murder was a hate crime perpetrated by intolerant bigots for no other reason than Shephard's particular sexual preferences.  A collective revulsion swept the nation and good Christians who understandably opposed sodomy were now in the gun sights of the liberal media and its daily spectators.  Shephard became a martyr and in 2009 President Obama signed into law the Mathew Shephard Act which defined certain acts committed against 'identity groups' as 'Hate Crimes'.  And that is about where the mainstream's interest in the story ends.

In the years subsequent to his murder, rumors persisted that Shephard was involved in a whole slew of slimy activities, including homosexual prostitution and drug dealing.  The media (once again, with very few exceptions) refused to report the emerging evidence, however, obviously feeling that it would damage the legend they had spent so much time constructing.

Then in 2013, an investigative journalist named Stephen Jimenez, who had spent 13 years interviewing over 100 people in connection with the case, published his findings in a book titled 'The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths about the Murder of Mathew Shephard.'

In his book, Jimenez, an award-winning writer, TV producer, and himself, a homosexual, substantiated what people close to the case had known for years; namely that Shephard was selling large amounts of crystal meth, was addicted to the substance, and was involved with heroin.  The book showed how one of his killers, Aaron McKinney, was being pimped out to local homosexuals along with Shephard and both Shephard and McKinney engaged in occasional homosexual activity together (Shephard was HIV-positive at the time of his death).  According to a 2014 article in British newspaper the Guardian "Mathew's drug abuse, and the fact that he knew one of his killers prior to the attack, was never explored in court.  Neither was the rumor that he had access to a shipment of crystal meth with a street value of $10,000 which they wanted to steal."

Jimenez, who faced a torrent of media backlash, said of his book, "This does not make the perfect poster boy for the gay-rights movement, which is a big part of the reason my book has been so trashed....The view was that homophobic rednecks walked into a bar and saw an obviously gay man with money and targeted him and beat him to death for that reason.  But that isn't what happened.  Nothing in this book takes away from the iniquity and brutality of the crime or the culpability of his murderers, but we owe Mathew and other young men like him the truth." [My emphasis]

Even as the facts of the Shephard case have crept their way into mainstream consciousness, the Orwellian laws passed in his name remain on the books and it's not hard to see how they could one day be used to stifle the free speech of those who dissent from the increasingly bizarre psychodrama known as the 'sexual revolution'.

The parallels between the Shephard case and that of George Floyd are impossible to ignore.  Both instances illustrate how the media can create a convenient political narrative through a process of omission and distortion of critical data.  The highly-charged topics are then used to manipulate the emotions of millions of people and to pass previously unthinkable legislative reforms (eg 'defund the police') before the full truth of the matter can emerge.

Once the official narrative is exposed as a pack of lies it is quietly removed from the news cycle, but its potent psychological effects perdure in the collective psyche.  Remember Pat Tillman?  Do you recall how quickly his story vanished from the news after it was learned that he was murdered by his own troops and it was covered up at the highest levels?  To this day his mother decries the fact that she never got a straight answer from anyone about the death of her son.  Few people think of this when they think of Pat Tillman but almost everybody remembers the image of the NFL star who gave it all up to fight and die for his country.  As Jon Krakauer, author of the book 'Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman' stated: "When Pat was alive, the Army tried to make him into their poster boy for the global war on terror, and he resisted.  And after he died, when he wasn't around to object, they really turned him into this - their poster boy.  And they didn't want to come across as having shot their poster boy.  So they had to suppress that.  They didn't want to add bad news.  Instead, they very cleverly turned Pat into [a] diversion.  They turned him into a hero and the country was diverted from the bad stuff in Iraq to Pat Tillman, hero.  And it worked for a while."

This is the power of media magic.

The media will politicize everything it can to achieve very specific ambitions.  More often than not, if people were just willing to scratch the surface of these stories a little bit they would open up a whole substratum of inconvenient facts that demolish the official version and the media's game would be up.  Eternal vigilance is our only hope for a free republic!

In analyzing the cases of both George Floyd and Mathew Shephard I am reminded of a 1996 episode of The Simpsons in which Lisa learns that Jebediah Springfield, the much-beloved founder of her town, was in fact a murderous pirate named Hans Sprungfeld, a man who once tried to murder George Washington.  After investigating the case and learning the uncomfortable truth she decides she will inform the townspeople at the upcoming Jebediah Springfield Founders Day event.  Once there, however, she decides against it, after seeing just how deeply everyone believes the myth.  Here we enter the realm of Joseph Campbell.  The show concludes with Lisa stating in confidentiality that the myth of the man is more powerful than the truth of who he really was.

That may be all well and good for a buffoonish cartoon, but here in the real world we owe it to ourselves and our fellow countrymen to convey the truth whenever we are confronted with it, no matter how unpopular it may be.  There are few examples in history of a nation prospering while upholding historical fictions as absolute truths.  Today we are drowning in them.  The restoration of our Republic cannot begin in earnest until people are ready to confront harsh realities and stop allowing themselves to be duped by the mainstream myth-makers who then seize upon their gullibility to transform our society into a world that would be unrecognizable to our forbears.  May God guide us in our unrelenting quest for truth!

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at or by visiting my website*

1 comment:

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In his 1987 book The Art of the Deal , Donald Trump describes a stunt he pulled a few years earlier that involved deceiving Holiday Inn exec...