Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Talmudism: A Blight on the Nations

"Bombs rain down from the sky

Gazan people know they'll die

The serpent's head consumes its tail

Her children at the wall they wail

In triumph of the land they stole

From those who're deemed bereft of soul"

With Israel's most recent terror campaign against the people of Gaza still fresh in our minds, and considering the defense of her murderous actions by large swaths of the 'Christian Right,' I feel compelled to highlight some data proving just how schizophrenic such a fellowship really is. I'll start by exposing the sub-human status ascribed to non-Jews -- and especially Christians -- within the Orthodox religion, in the hope that it might help bring current events into sharper focus.  

Judeo-Christian Tradition?

"Let us not forget that Rabbinical Judaism is the declared and implacable enemy of Christianity." - Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924)

The Talmud is the primary religious text of Orthodox Judaism and supersedes the Old Testament by a large margin in the rabbinic world. [1]  It existed as an oral tradition all the way back to the time of Christ and was committed to writing over the first six centuries A.D.  Jesus himself denounced the Pharisaic oral law that would comprise the Talmud multiple times throughout the Gospels. In fact, it is the Talmud, not the Old Testament, that religious Jews are referring to when they speak of 'the Torah' -- aka the Torah SheBe'al peh.  The Old Testament is known as the Torah SheBich'tav and takes a distant backseat to the importance placed on Talmud.

The Talmud (Teaching) is divided into two sections: the Mishnah (instruction) and Gemara (completion).  In a 1952 article for Look magazine titled 'What is a Jew?', Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer explains the significance of the Talmud: "The Babylonian Talmud is the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law, and it is the textbook used in the training of Rabbis."

Famous Jewish historian, Professor Heinrich Graetz, was one of the first to write a comprehensive history of the Jewish people. In his 1893 opus History of the Jews, he states that the Talmud is "the fundamental possession of the Jewish race, its life breath, its very soul...nature and mankind, powers and events...for the Jewish nation...the only true reality was the Talmud."

But one man's treasure is another man's trash, and the Talmud has caused many problems for the Jews amongst the nations in which they've dwelt ever since its contents were made public to the Gentile world in the 13th century by a Jewish convert to Christianity named Nicholas Donin.  Donin's translations of Talmud passages ignited a literal flame of indignation which led to pogroms and Talmud burnings throughout Europe lasting for centuries.  Apparently our non-Jewish ancestors didn't appreciate being considered sub-human and liable to be cheated, murdered and raped with impunity by Judaics. [2]  Here are just a few passages which illustrate the sub-human status afforded non-Jews within Talmudic Judaism:

"If a gentile kills a Jew, the gentile is to be killed. But if a Jew kills a gentile, the Jew is to go free." (Sanhedrin 57a)

"A non-Jew is not considered a neighbor." (Sanhedrin 52b)

"All gentile children are animals." (Yebamoth 98a)

"Murdering of Goyim is permissible." (Kethuboth 102b)

"The goyim are not humans, they are beasts." (Baba Mezia 114b)

"All gentile woman are 'Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah' (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and prostitutes). (Sanhedrin 81b - 82a)

"Christians are allied with hell, and Christianity is worse than incest." (Avodah Zarah 17a)

"When the Messiah comes, he will destroy the Christians." (Sanhedrin 99a)

"Mother Mary was a whore with carpenters." (Sanhedrin 106a)

"Jesus is in hell, being boiled in excrement." (Gittin 57a)

"If a grownup man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing, for having intercourse with a girl less than 3 years old is like putting a finger in the eye." (Ketubot 11b)

The sickening commentaries about Gentile men, women and children, as well as the Christian Lord and Savior and His blessed Mother, found within the pages of the Talmud are a primary reason the Jews have been evicted from 109 countries in their checkered and ignoble past. Among the calumnies directed at Jesus Christ in the Talmud are that he was a black magician, an idolater and a pervert whose mother conceived him in an adulterous affair with a Roman soldier named Pandera. Unsurprisingly, the rabbis shout themselves hoarse trying to convince Gentiles there is no mention of Jesus in the Talmud and any suggestion to the contrary guessed it...'anti-Semitic hate speech!' It would be foolish to take history's master deceivers at their word, however. In an article titled 'What the Talmud Really Says About Jesus' (Publisher's Weekly, Jan. 31, 2007), Jewish author David Klinghoffer writes: "...the scandalous passages indeed refer not to some other figure of ancient times but to the famous Jesus of Nazareth. What exactly is so scandalous? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement?...The Talmud's scattered portrait of Jesus unapologetically mocks Christian doctrines including the virgin birth and resurrection." 

A Religion of Humanitarianism and Brotherly Love?

" is important to keep in mind that until a few generations ago, almost all European Jews were deeply Orthodox...Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments..." - Ron Unz, Jewish scholar

The degree to which the racist supremacist Talmud instructs Jewish behavior in our times has been displayed by many illustrious figures of the international Jewish community through their own words and deeds. Below are a just few examples:

* On Feb. 25, 1994, a Jewish physician and Israeli Army officer named Baruch Goldstein walked into a mosque in Hebron armed with an assault rifle and slaughtered 29 Palestinians while they knelt in prayer.  An additional 125 people were wounded in the onslaught.  Goldstein was beaten to death while attempting to reload his weapon and became a martyr to many of the Orthodox in Israel.  He was eulogized at his funeral by numerous notable rabbis, including Rabbi Yaacov Perrin who declared "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail."  A book was written to commemorate Goldstein's deed called Baruch Hagever (The Blessed One) and annual pilgrimages are made to his grave.  Goldstein was a disciple of Meir Kahane, who once told Mike Wallace of CBS News that his teaching that Arabs are "dogs" is derived "from the Talmud." 

* In 2009, in response to a question about how Jews should treat their Arab neighbors, influential Lubavitcher Rabbi Manis Friedman said: "I don't believe in western morality, i.e. don't kill civilians or children, don't destroy holy sites, don't fight during holiday seasons, don't bomb cemeteries, don't shoot until they shoot first because it's immoral. The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children."

* During a weekly Saturday night sermon in 2010, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, stated: "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that they have no place in the world - only to serve the People of Israel...Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat...that is why Gentiles were created."

* In an interview with Jewish Week (April 26, 1996), Yitzhak Ginsburg, a leading rabbi of the influential Chabad Lubavitch sect, gave an example to illustrate the disparity between Jews and Gentiles: "If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life." When 30 of Ginsburg's students stormed through the village of Kifl Hares in 1989 and murdered a 13-year-old Palestinian child, Ginsburg testified at the trial on their behalf, saying: "It should be recognized that Jewish blood and a goy's blood are not the same."

* In a 2011 interview with Orthodox station Radio Kol Hai, Rabbi Yitzak Shapira, author of Torat Hamelech, a book about killing Gentiles, stated: "When you read Jewish law (Talmud), in many places you might understand that gentiles can be killed freely without any problems."

* The Talmud classifies Christians as idol worshippers (avodah zarah) and commands observant Jews to utter curses when passing by Christian homes and cemeteries (Berakhot 58b). In fact, a centuries-old tradition among the Talmudists of spitting on the Christian cross and on Christian clergymen is alive and well in Israel today. The Forward (Oct. 22, 2004) reported on this phenomenon in the wake of a scandal in which Archbishop Nourhan Manougian was spat upon by yeshiva students while leading a procession marking the Exaltation of the Holy Cross near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher: "It has been Jerusalem's dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergymen...the practice has recently been picked up by other segments of the Orthodox world, including visiting American yeshiva students." Ha'aretz (Oct. 11, 2004) pointed out, "Religious Jews...customarily spit on the ground as a sign of disgust at seeing the cross." Meanwhile, the New York Times (Oct. 19, 2004) quoted Rabbi David Rosen, who tried excusing the shameful custom by saying, "Ultra-Orthodox Jews don't by definition live in the modern world. For them, the cross is a symbol of idolatry." 

* After historic Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire in 2019, notable rabbi Schlomo Aviner, head of the Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva said: "The great Christian Church in Paris is on fire. Should we feel sorry for that, or should we rejoice, as it [the cathedral] is idolatry, which is a mitzvah to burn? Several immensely important rabbinic rulers, most prominent among them Maimonides, ruled that churches are places of idolatry and ought to be destroyed. The rulings are very clear."

* In May 2008, large groups of Talmud students burned hundreds of copies of the New Testament outside a synagogue in the Israeli town of Or Yehuda. The Associated Press (May 20, 2008) quoted the town's Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon defending the arson, insisting it's a "commandment to burn materials that urge Jews to convert."

* In a rare instance of actual media reporting, Britain's Telegraph newspaper (Aug. 6, 2015) profiled Benzi Gopstein, the leader of a far-right Israeli group called Lehava: "The leader of a far-Right Israeli group has risked arrest by apparently voicing support for arson attacks on Christian churches amid an official crackdown on Jewish extremism. Benzi Gopstein...made the remarks at a panel discussion for Jewish yeshiva students when asked by a fellow panelist if he believed burning down churches in Israel was justified..."Did the Ramban [Maimonides] rule to destroy [idol worship] or not? Idol worship must be destroyed. It's simply yes."

It should be noted that these quotes are not just the insane ramblings of obscure nobodies; rather, they emanate forth from the highest echelons of Jewish political and religious life.  Rabbi Shapira was once even referred to by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "posek gadol - a great halakhic arbiter," forcing Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz (Apr. 23, 2013) to admonish that: "No other Western leader could be caught doing something comparable, even if he wanted to.  No one in the West publishes books on 'the laws of killing Jews,' or on the 'laws of killing non-Christians,' or on the 'laws of killing non-whites.'  They would be marched straight to prison, and anyone saluting them as 'great arbiters' would be booted out of public service." 

A Religion of Self-Worship

"It is a fact the Jewish religion is above all Jewish nationalism." -- Moses Hess, teacher of Karl Marx and the founder of Zionism -- Rome and Jerusalem (1862)

The Orthodox are not alone in their institutionalized contempt for Gentiles -- the Talmudic mentality permeates secular Jewish life as well.  This is because the Talmud isn't so much a religious text of spiritual doctrines and eternal commands as it is a codification of materialism, greed and virulent ethnocentrism.  In other words, Talmudism is the racist supremacist mentality of Zionism adorned with a few purloined religious trappings necessary to complete the masquerade.  Jewish scholars Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky highlight this fact in their book Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

"Secular...Israeli Jews hold political views and engage in rhetoric similar to that of religious Jews...For religious Jews, the blood of non-Jews has no intrinsic value; for Likud (political party of Begin, Shamir and Netanyahu) it has limited value...Most foreign observers do not realize that a sizeable segment of the Israeli Jewish public hold these chauvinistic views...The worldview of Likud politicians, enthusiastically supported by followers, is basically the worldview of religious Jews; it has undergone significant secularization but has kept its essential qualities." [3]

The reason that secular Zionists and Orthodox rabbis have such a remarkably similar worldview is because they both view the Jewish nation itself as god and see the material world as being their sole domain.  In his invaluable 1,100 page work, Judaism Discovered, Catholic scholar Michael Hoffman states: "The religion of Judaism has as its god, not Yahweh, but the Judaic people themselves, whose self-worship is at the center of the Talmud and rabbinic halacha."  Thus, when secular leader Benjamin Netanyahu recently proclaimed that Israel, a country with 2 million Arab inhabitants, is "the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people" he was espousing the very same ethnocentrism found in the Talmud and held by many rabbis. [4]

The Policy of Din Rodef

"The halacha is crystal clear.  It is entirely legitimate to kill a rodef...Babylonian Talmud, tractate Sanhedrin, folio 73a...It seems clear to me from a commonsense reading of this passage that the concept of a rodef encompasses those who advocate or incite the murder of Jews.  Every Gazan citizen who voted for Hamas must - surely - come within this category...I am not the slightest bit interested - as a practitioner of religious Judaism - in the development of a Christian position on 'proportionality'...The halachic position here could not be clearer, could it?" - Jewish professor Geoffrey Alderman, Guardian newspaper (Jan. 12, 2009).

The Talmud decrees that anyone who is considered a threat to the Jewish nation can be designated a rodef (pursuer) and is liable to be killed.  There is no trial, no examination of evidence, no questioning of witnesses and certainly no jury of one's peers.  Once some unfortunate is declared a rodef, it becomes open season on him or her.  This teaching, whether tacitly understood or directly enforced, has decided the fate of many people through the ages who were guilty of nothing more than standing up to Jewish power.  A famous example of this policy made operational was the murder of Swedish nobleman and diplomat, Count Folke Bernadotte.

Bernadotte was the son of Swedish Prince Oscar Bernadotte, the Count of Wisborg. During WW2 he was responsible for negotiating the release of 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, many of which were Jews.  After the war he was appointed United Nations Mediator in Palestine and was instrumental in putting an end to the violence of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War (a one-sided bloodbath which included the massacre at Deir Yassin). [5]  Despite his stellar record of emancipating Jews from German captivity, Bernadotte's insistence on a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Palestine sealed his fate with the Jewish extremists.  On September 17, 1948, Folke Bernadotte was assassinated while on a UN fact-finding mission when his car was ambushed with machine gun fire by agents of the Zionist terror group Lehi, aka the Stern Gang.  The murder was organized by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.  On account of his peace proposals for Palestine, Bernadotte was considered 'a serious threat to the emerging state of Israel.'  Therefore, his status as rodef sealed his fate.

Rabin the Rodef

In 2004, Avigdor Neventzal, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, stated: "It should be known that anyone who wants to give away Israeli land is like a rodef, and certainly land should not be given to non-Jews.  Anyone ceding parts of the Land of Israel to gentiles is, from a halakhic point of view, subject to din rodef."

It's possible that Rabbi Neventzal had the murder of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in mind when he made his thinly veiled homicidal declaration.

Rabin signed the Oslo Accords in 1993 as part of a United Nations process of establishing peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.  This move outraged many Jews of the Israeli state who felt that Rabin had betrayed them.  Seeking to fulfill the "rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination," the Accords established a governing body called the 'Palestinian Authority' which had rights to self-governance in parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.  In addition, they acknowledged the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as Israel's partner in various negotiations relating to border disputes, Israeli settlements, the status of Jerusalem, Israel's military presence in and control over remaining territories after Israel's recognition of Palestinian autonomy, and the Palestinian right of return.

On November 4, 1995, Rabin was murdered when he was shot twice by a Talmudic law student named Yigal Amir.  By "ceding parts of the Land of Israel to gentiles," Rabin had earned the rodef designation and would be made to pay with his life.  The New York Times of November 27, 1995 admits as much by quoting Amir's own reasoning for the assassination: "According to Jewish law, the minute a Jew betrays his people and country to the enemy, he must be killed.  No one taught me that law.  I've been studying the Talmud all my life, and I have all the data." (My emphasis)

Rachel the Rodef

"The dispensation applies even when the pursuer is not threatening to kill directly, but only indirectly...Therefore, any citizen of the state that opposes us - who encourages the armed fighters against us or expresses satisfaction over their actions, is considered a pursuer and may be killed.  Also, anyone who weakens our own state by word or similar action is considered a pursuer."- Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yaakov Yosef, Torat Hamelech, (2009).

The Talmudic injunction of din rodef has decided the fate of many activists, political leaders, and journalists around the world who have run afoul of 'the Jews' in one way or another. [6]

One such person was a 23 year-old American woman named Rachel Corrie.

On Mach 16, 2003, Rachel was at the Rafah refugee camp in occupied Palestine protesting the destruction of Palestinian homes by the Israeli military.  Such audacity shown by a Gentile woman (Sanhedrin 81b - 82a) is more than sufficient, one might think, to earn the designation of rodef and be killed with impunity.  Whether or not this thought crossed her killer's mind, it is precisely what happened next when Rachel was repeatedly run over by a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer operated by a soldier of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).  An eyewitness named Richard Pursell would later describe the event: "She was standing on top of a pile of earth.  The driver cannot have failed to see her.  As the blade pushed the pile, the earth rose up.  Rachel slid down the pile.  It looked as if her foot got caught.  The driver didn't slow down, he just ran her over.  Then he reversed the bulldozer back over her again."

In 2012, an Israeli court exonerated the military and ruled that what had happened was an accident for which Rachel herself was responsible.  Predictably, the American government remained silent and chose not to make an issue out of the cold-blooded murder.  One U.S. representative did try to pass a resolution calling for a thorough and transparent investigation into Rachel's murder, but Congress failed to take action on it.  Apparently they were more concerned with ensuring AIPAC dollars continued to flow into their coffers than they were with holding Israel accountable for the murder of a U.S. citizen.  The 'eternally outraged' Western media ignored the story and to this day most Americans remain oblivious to Rachel Corrie's fate.  Her apparent status as a rodef had rendered her liable for execution.

Din Rodef and Abortion

"It is tragic but demonstrably true that most of the leaders of the pro-abortion movement are of Jewish extraction." - Dr. Kenneth Mitzner

The designation of din rodef isn't only applied to those who seek to harm Jews physically, but can arbitrarily be applied to anyone for just about any reason, including to 'justify' abortion by claiming that the baby is pursuing its mother: 

"(A) central concept in Judaism is a 'rodef.'  The idea is that it's okay to defend yourself if you are threatened.  A rodef literally means 'pursuer.'  For rabbis who feel it would be okay to terminate a pregnancy, it's seeing the fetus as a pursuer...' - Sandy Falk, MD and Rabbi Daniel Judson "For Jews, Pregnancy has Unique Issues" Boston Globe, (Jan. 17, 2004)

Over the last few years we have seen restrictions on late-term abortion lifted in certain U.S. states.  To most sane people, this cosmic sin constitutes murder and is an affront to Western morality.  However, our laws are increasingly not being made by Western men endowed with Christian morals, but by an alien element that holds very different views on matters of human rights, life and death.

In the Bible, God recognizes the unborn child "as a being before the child had even been formed in the womb." (Jeremiah 1:5)  How can we reconcile this distinctly Christian teaching with the laws being passed in America and Europe today?  We can't.  And so it's obvious that our laws are being influenced by a radically different ideology.  What does the Talmud say about the rights of an unborn child?  According to renowned Jewish legal scholar, Rabbi Isaac Schorr, "The sense of the Talmud is that a fetus is not a person."  Rabbi Meir Abulafia agrees, saying "So long as a fetus is inside the womb, it is not a nefesh, and the Torah has no pity on it."  (Nefesh is the Hebrew word for soul. It's evident that Rabbi Abulafia is referring to the Torah SheBe'al peh when he says 'Torah.')  

Understanding the Talmudic mentality concerning the rights (or lack thereof) of the unborn child, helps us appreciate why so many Jews have been at the forefront of the abortion movement in America and Europe.  Abortion has never been about 'women's liberation.'  It has always been a weapon deployed to destroy the very cornerstone of Western civilization, i.e. the nuclear family.  These are not just my words, they are the words of Simone Veil, a Jewess former health minister of France who established abortion on demand.  Veil reportedly once told a Paris news conference: "We are out to destroy the family.  The best way to do that is to begin by attacking its weakest member, the unborn child." [7]  Since the extra-judicial murder of a rodef is considered a mitzvah (divine deed), no humanitarian concerns enter the equation when an unborn child is so designated.

Coronavirus Micromanagement

"...the philosophy of the Hebrews must be inquired into, their Mishnah, their Gemara, Cabbala, Jezirah, Soha, Cosri, and their Talmud...What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed, before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit.  It was the reformation of this 'wretched depravity' of morals which Jesus undertook." - Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, Oct. 13, 1813, in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, (Washington D.C: Taylor and Murray, 1854) vol. 6, p. 218

One of the most striking characteristics of the Talmud is the suffocating micromanagement it prescribes for its adherents.  Thousands of pathological mandates are put forth which govern the lives of the Orthodox down to the most minute detail. (Consider for instance, the Seven Clean Days ritual governing a woman's menstruation period, or the requirement for women to remove every speck of chametz from their home during the eight days of Passover. The same obsessive psychology abounds in our COVID 'era of insanity.')  These are the 'heavy burdens' placed upon the people of ancient Israel by the Pharisees, for which Jesus called them to account. (Luke 11:46)

Not much has changed in two thousand years, only now these 'heavy burdens' are borne by the entire world.

Talmudic-style micromanagement has been imposed on the people en masse by the governments of the world in the wake of the COVID-19 'pandemic.'  Every nonsensical mask mandate, social distancing ordinance or curfew that flagrantly defies science and insults commonsense could have come straight from the sordid pages of the Talmud. In fact they do, as Talmud tractate Bava Metzia 59b states: "The distance that one must maintain from an ostracized individual is four cubits." Four cubits equals exactly six feet.  Even the obsession with ritual handwashing, so topical of late, is a part of the Pharisaic tradition that Jesus condemned. (Mark 7)

Jesus Christ set us free from these oppressive Talmudic burdens.  America's Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were written by men whose minds were steeped in the freedom of the Gospel.  So too was the Magna Carta.  As Judaic supremacy has gained an ever-stronger foothold in the last century, we have seen the steady erosion of Western democratic ideals.  Entering into the void has been a distinctly foreign system which places no emphasis on truth, free speech, human rights or the divine status of man as an image-bearer of God.  The result has been the construction of a two-tier police state in the formerly free and democratic West, whereby the rights of the weak pale in comparison to those of the powerful.  This is the Talmudic system of the rabbinic anti-Christs, whose undue influence over world affairs signals the demise of western civilization. [8]

*Read my debut book 'Perfidy of Zion' to learn much more. Copies can be obtained by emailing me at or by visiting*


1. According to Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai: "He who occupies himself with Scripture gains merit that is no merit.  He who occupies himself with Mishnah gains merit for which people receive a reward.  He who occupies himself with Talmud -- there is no source of merit greater than this." (Baba Metzia 33A)

2. According to Dov Zakheim, Under Secretary of Defense during the George W. Bush Administration: "It is the consensus of many halachic decisors that the yefat to'ar (female goy battle captive) can be subject to involuntary intercourse, though only once, after which she must undergo a specific regimen described in the Torah, conversion and marriage, before her captor is permitted further sexual relations with her..." -- Dov Zakheim, Meorot vol. 6 (2006) p. 5                                                                             

Eyal Karim, the Chief Rabbi of the Israeli Army, has also voiced the same opinion regarding the legality of raping non-Jewish women during wartime.                                                                          

cf. Hoffman, Michael A., Revisionist History newsletter no.111

3. Few examples better illustrate this fact than Secretary of State Madeline Albright's infamous appearance on 60 Minutes, during which she told reporter Lesley Stahl that the death of half a million Iraqi children due to her administration's sanctions was "worth it" to punish Saddam Hussein.  Albright was a Jew by race but not religion (allegedly), yet her complete disregard for non-Jewish life falls right in line with Talmudic teachings.  Suggesting a racial explanation for this phenomena, Alfred Rosenberg once wrote, "the Talmud didn't create the Jew, but rather the Jew the Talmud."

4. Advancing the cause of International Jewry is always paramount to these people.  Seemingly contradictory worldviews like secular/religious or communist/capitalist often align to march in unified formation with this purpose in mind.  This is why throughout history Jewish capitalists like Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, George Soros, et al., have allocated huge sums of money to communist revolutionaries.  It also explains why an ardent Zionist like the criminal Marc Rich provided funds for the Arab terrorist Abu Nidal, despite being close personal friends with Israeli prime ministers Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert.  Oftentimes terrorism against Israel is desired by the Zionists themselves as a means of achieving political goals (like when Ariel Sharon launched the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 using an attack on an Israeli diplomat by a Palestinian as his justification).  If the requisite terrorism doesn't exist organically, they will create it.

5. Deir Yassin was a peaceful Palestinian village of 600 civilians that wanted nothing to do with the 1948 war. Nevertheless, the Jewish terror group Irgun, led by Menachem Begin, invaded the village and unleashed a ruthless campaign of terror resulting in 254 deaths, many of which were women and children.  Zvi Ankori, who commanded the Haganah unit that controlled Deir Yassin, said: "I went in to six or seven houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women's crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder."  Colonel Meir Pa'el, another Haganah officer said: "The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and began to 'clean' the houses. They shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the commanders did not try and stop the massacre..."  It's hard to believe such barbarism could be inflicted by Jews just three years after the liberation of Auschwitz, if we are to believe Auschwitz was the 'factory of death' Jews claim it was.  Apparently the slogan 'Never Again' had a shockingly short shelf life and should perhaps be revised to 'Not for Three Years.'

6. There are Jewish fingerprints all over the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and numerous researchers have pointed to Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, Louis Bloomfield, Yitzhak Shamir and, of course, Jack Ruby aka Jacob Rubenstein, as having played significant roles.  The late, great journalist, Michael Collins Piper, asserted that it was American Jews in conjunction with Israelis who were mainly responsible for Kennedy's death, and pointed out that New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, inadvertently stumbled onto the Rothschild link in the assassination during his prosecution of Clay Shaw.  Both Shaw and Louis Bloomfield sat on the board of the shadowy Permindex organization that Garrison was investigating (Bloomfield was its chief executive and largest shareholder).  Bloomfield was also a longtime attorney for, and business partner of, the Rothschilds -- in particular Baron Edmund de Rothschild -- and he provided material support for Israel's nuclear bomb program.  It is known that Kennedy had run afoul of 'the Jews' after vocally denouncing Israel's illegal nuclear program and ordering routine inspections of its facilities in Dimona.  Bloomfield stated that the "guiding genius" behind Permindex was a Romanian Jew named George Mandel, who he described as a "33rd degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest diplomatic circles." In a 2013 article for American Free Press, Piper wrote, "All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel's drive to assemble the atomic bomb.  A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds - the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva - was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel's 'founding fathers.'  BCI was also chief money launderer for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of...Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds."  Another Jew involved in the cover up was the future senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Spector, whose ridiculous magic bullet theory was adopted by the Warren Commission despite its obvious impossibility.  Michael Piper's book Final Judgement is a must-read.

7. Bernard Nathanson and Lawrence Lader were the men who did more than anyone to make abortion legal in America.  Both were Jews.  Nathanson gained widespread prominence as a founding member of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (known currently as NARAL Pro-Choice America).  He worked closely with feminist Betty Friedan (nee Goldstein) for the legalization of abortion and their efforts were finally successful with the decision in Roe v. Wade.  Nathanson would later convert to Catholicism and become an outspoken opponent of abortion. Filled with remorse later in life he would write in his memoir that Americans never would have accepted abortion had they known it was being promoted by "a cadre of wild-eyed Jewish radicals in New York City."

The following is excerpted from the book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, (2008) by Catholic scholar E. Michael Jones.  It illustrates how pervasive 'the Jews' have been in legalizing infanticide in America:   

* All four original organizers of the most influential group of abortion pushers in the United States, the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), were of Jewish birth, including now prolife Dr. Bernard Nathanson

* Dr. Christopher Tietze worked for the Population Institute and International Planned Parenthood Federation and did more to promote the worldwide slaughter of innocent unborn children than any other person.

* Dr. Alan Guttmacher was president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for more than a decade, founded Planned Parenthood Physicians, and did more than any other doctor to promote abortion in this country. He also advocated mandatory abortion and sterilization for certain groups in the United States.

* Dr. Etienne-Emile Baulieu, inventor of the RU-486 abortion pill, was born in 1926 to a physician named Leon Blum. He changed his name in 1942.

* Stanford professor Paul Ehrlich is the ''father'' of the overpopulation myth. His work, The Population Bomb, was the spark that ignited the anti-natalist movement.

*California and New York state legislators led the drive for legalized abortion in the United States. Legislators who constantly emphasized their Jewishness led the pro-abortion movement in both states; those leaders included state senators Anthony Beilenson in California and Albert Blumenthal in New York. [Anthony Beilenson drafted the abortion bill signed into law by Ronald Reagan.]

* Of the 41 Jewish-born members of the U.S. Senate over the last 20 years, 32 (or 80 percent) have been stridently pro-abortion.

* Pro-abortion "Jews" dominate such anti-life groups as the American Civil Liberties Union and People for the American Way.

* Numerous liberal Jewish groups openly support and advocate abortion, including the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the National Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah Women, the Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations, the Jewish Labor Committee, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, B'nai B'rith Women, Naiamat USA, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhood, the New Jewish Agenda, North American Temple Youth, the United Synagogues of America, and the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Many of these groups were founded for the express purpose of pushing abortion.

8. For those who wish to learn more about these topics, I highly recommend the work of scholar Michael A. Hoffman.  His books and newsletters are indispensable research materials.

1 comment:

  1. The Agents, of AIPAC,ADL and dozens of other Zio-Jewish Zionist Apartheid Talmudic-Supremacist Entities have turned, The Land of the Free, into their PLANTATION, from where the blood and treasure our Military Personnel are the, 'Sacrificial Lambs' on the barbaric-bloody Altar of Zionism on the World Stage! Our Congress/Government is not serving the American People!


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